Definder - what does the word mean?

What is justyn?

A nigga who can swipe yo bitch any time anywhere.A paper maker,A big dick boy,n heโ€™s a lot of fun

Justynโ€™s a cool guy with a big dick๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ

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justyn - meme gif

justyn meme gif

justyn - video


Justyn - what is it?

A super cute guy. Whos obsessed with his shoes, and complains about everything he hates.

We need more people like him in the world.


"Hey man, did you see Justyn at lunch ?"-_____
"Yeah girl, Hes fine !"-_____

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What does "justyn" mean?

A fine fine piece of ass with a huge dick

Man, there's only one fuckin justyn

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Justyn - what does it mean?

A boy who loves the women. Equally with his sports. He loves candy and he is very funny. He may be shy to some but thatโ€™s because he mows he canโ€™t trust everyone. He was s always 100 with everyone he trusts. He know what he wants. Once he sees it. He must get it. He is someone you can talk to all the time.

Man that guy is amazing , I bet his name is Justyn

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Justyn - meaning

A sweet kind and caring guy. He may be a little stubborn, but he will protect his loved ones with everything he's got. He will stand up for you if you really mean something to him and he will always be there for you.

Justyn bought a bouquet of roses! How kind and caring he is!

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Justyn - definition

Wow.. justyne.. a girl thatโ€™s always there for you no matter what. You can hurt her so bad but she will always be there for you. But thatโ€™s the thing donโ€™t hurt her she is not like any other girl. She is so different. She is beyond different. Other girls will want you for one thing. But justyne. Well justyne wants to cherish you. She will love you no matter what. Her loyalty is thick like peanut butter. Her trust is always their. Donโ€™t even get me started on her personality. Itโ€™s sooo rare. Youโ€™ll never find that in another girl. Her humor is all time the best!! Trust me!! She is THAT girl. She will play video games with you, talk to you late at night if you want to talk, joke with you, play sports read books cook and just be herself with you. She is shy but once she gets to know you trust me itโ€™s like heaven! Donโ€™t hurt her either. Youโ€™ll never find another girl like her trust me. If you were to loose her or do her bad trust me youโ€™ll hang on to her because she has that special something about her you canโ€™t let go. Always tell her she is worth it even when she doesnโ€™t feel it. Trust me! and please if you meet a girl named justyne or know a girl named justyne DONT. LET. HER. GO

any person who meets justyne or knows justyne: MAN I LOVE THIS GIRL!

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Justyn - slang

A beautiful kind hearted woman. A girl who's strong and smart.

Look it's the pretty girl Justyne.

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a name. pronounced "justin" often mistaken for "justine"....this name may be used for a male or female (i am a female justyn and have met only one other)

-Justine could you do me a favore?

-i dont know who justine is. my name is JUSTYN....and YES i have a vagina not a penis

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A man thats more than man. who likes to punch douchers in the face. who is a mild racist but some of his best friends are white. he loves herbs. and loves being liberated

Dude if i was justyn i would punch that doucher in the face!

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The absolute best person you will ever meet in ur entire life. You didnt know anyone could be as cute. Justyn is so kind, caring and sweet. Even when he gets braces he looks cute. Justyn asks how ur day was and really cares about you. He is the best big brother and younger brother. All of the girls love him. Once you meet a Justyn, keep him in ur life for as long as u can. He is truly the sweetest person out there.

Danielle: Lets go to the highschool!
Emily: yea, justyn has study hall right now!
Danielle and Emily: I SEE HIS PINK KIPPAH
Justyn: Hi guys, how was ur day?

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