Definder - what does the word mean?

What is iTv?

what apple wanted to call the apple TV

1: wanna watch iTV?
2: nah I prefer apple TV

👍25 👎11

iTv - meme gif

iTv meme gif

iTv - video


ITv - what is it?

the worst the worst tv channel ever. consists of rubish like Judge Judy (american family judge) and americas funniest pets, or something: the presenter of which i would gladly set fire to.

itv 2 has infected my tv, turn it over

👍85 👎31

What does "iTv" mean?

Wannabe BBC. But with better drama.

"Dude, let's watch ITV."

👍63 👎95

ITv - what does it mean?

A biased and ridiculous media outlet serving the interests of their own company rather than their readers.

You heard of ITV mate?
Yeah man, they're shit.

👍41 👎35

ITv - meaning

An abbreviation of "in that video".

Similar to ITT (in this thread).

Person 1: itv, Miley Cyrus looked like A hooker.

Person 2: Oh my god, I know!

👍61 👎47

ITv - definition

1) The main rival to the BBC.
2) The Spanish inland revenue.

1) Let's see. We've got drama, adverts, drama, movie, adverts, news, drama, adverts, end of movie, hippies, news, drama, news and lastly drama.

2) ayayaye! La policia y el iTv! Shit!

👍93 👎37

ITv - slang

Channel 3. AKA Channel Chav

"Let's watch ITV."

👍187 👎69