Definder - what does the word mean?

What is hank's?

Slang for heroin back in the 60's and 70's. Mostly used to be able to talk about the drug in public or on the phone. "Hey, if I come over is hank going to be there?"

I am going downtown and looking for Hank.

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hank's - meme gif

hank's meme gif

hank's - video


Hank's - what is it?

When you adamantly tell your friends that you will order a dog cage at the Trump International Hotel & Tower Chicago to put your girlfriend in and weeks go by but you definitely didn't put your girl in a dog cage.

To make extravagant promises to your boys in the group thread and then not follow through at all.

Henry was straight hanking us the whole time. That dude was never going to do that. Such a fake blam

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What does "hank's" mean?

funny man who finds a way to die in legit everything fr

do not approach him, he will kill you

Person 1: My friend approached Hank and they died
Person 2: can’t have friends in Nevada πŸ’€
Person 1: also why is the sky red

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Hank's - what does it mean?

Term used by hospital personnel to name medical leaches applied to patients post surgery for congealed blood removal.

We’re going to need some more Hanks over here, she’s still bleeding.

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Hank's - meaning

Guy named hank

Hey look its Hank

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Hank's - definition

Hank is the literal embodiment of God. Worship Hank and Hank is Daddy ;)

All hail Hank

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Hank's - slang

Someone who sells propane and propane accessories

Hey, hank!

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Anything that ailing you, baby.

Dis here will get the hanks off ya, playah.

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To get busted for something and thrown out of group for a flagrent violation.

"I got busted for being the 'One Star Bandit' on the Where's George Forums, so I got hanked for life".

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Getting blind drunk on a school night, usually a Wednesday.

Wow, Mon got totally Hanked last night, she literally threw up in her mouth a little....

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