Definder - what does the word mean?

What is handoff?

When you use the toilet so soon after someone else, that you get a comfortably warm seat.

It gets so cold in the winter here you look forward to that morning warm handoff.

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handoff meme gif

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Handoff - what is it?

A filthy sex act in which partners position themselves asshole-to-asshole and then partner a takes a massive, fantastically hard shit. if all goes well, the solid log will pass into partner b's asshole, serving as a rudimentary dildo.

I'm eating lot's of fiber so I can do the Detroit handoff with Linda tonight.

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What does "handoff" mean?

This term is defined in several steps.
1. To flick the anal orifice until it winks at you to communicate that the procedure is "OK" with the female
2. Then proceed to engage in anal sex with the female
3. Afterwards proceed to turn around so that you are anus to anus with the female and defecate into the female's rectum
4. Lastly, proceed to mold the feces into the hole of the females rectum so that the exchange is clean.

Hey Lindsay me and Mike just finished our super burritos with extra hot sauce, I thought that we could watch Dave Matthews live and then take turns in giving you lebanese handoffs.

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Handoff - what does it mean?

A gay sex act similar to the space dock, where one guys fills in the drilled out bunghole of the other guy with his fresh steamy turds.

Gary felt guilty for mining out Franks ass so deep, so he gave him the old hershey handoff.

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Handoff - meaning

During the exchange between male and female. A willing female plants herself on all fours, while in the position of doggystyle. A male is giving a 110%, right before ejactulation, he will lovingly spit on the female's backside. Once finished the female will turnaround, and to her surprise recieves quick and abrupt shot to the eye with the special sauce.

Sally didn't see that fake handoff coming.

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Handoff - definition

Where a teenage girl gives birth in a taco mayo bathroom, after giving birth she busts out of the bathroom and pitches the newborn like a football to the cashier and runs out of the door

Hayley did the Texas handoff and is having her trial now

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Handoff - slang

The ability to think about someone whilst having a wank.

"Be-jayzus look at caroline, she is very handoffable"

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A sexual act in which one ejaculates into his own hand and throws the product into the face of his partner.

"My girlfriend really likes sports. She took the Handoff like a champion."

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Hanging out with one girl and switching to another to avoid "approach anxiety".

Dude I was hanging with Claudia and it was going nowhere. Then, Katherine showed up! The perfect handoff.

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When one farts and then proceeds to "hand it off" from the source of the smell to the smellee. The only way to explain such an act is to think of baseball where you "catch" it from behind you and deliver it to the nose of the unsuspecting victim. (This was one of the hazards while growing up a Marine brat!)

1. Joe gave a handoff to Pat.
2. Welcome to the "catch and release program" where we're always giving back!
3. After the Dutch oven, she retaliated with a handoff.

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