Definder - what does the word mean?

What is grolly?

when some one fills their mouth with phlegm (grollies) before performing fellatio on their partner.

the bitch had a cold so i got her to give me a grolly job

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grolly - video


Grolly - what is it?

one of those green scourers used to scrub pans and stuff

chuck us the green grollie - this pan's covered in crap!

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What does "grolly" mean?

hairy wheels, nadjas

👍39 👎53

Grolly - what does it mean?

Guardian Readers Of Limited Intelligence In Ethnic Skirts

One Doctor to another:"She's tried everything to cure It- vegetarian diet, acupuncture, hypnosis, cystals, homeopathy... one of your typical Grollies!

👍41 👎41

Grolly - meaning

a gelatinous concentration of built up man mucus, usually expelled upon faces. The man suffering from this build up within his sack (also known as the groller) will actively seek a recipient depending on their orientation (also known as the grollee)

"by gosh i've accumulated quite the grolly, quick Ron come hither, expelliarmus!"

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Grolly - definition

Congealed nasal mucus. Booger or bogey. Plural of grolly.

I need some tissue because I've got some big grollies up my hooter.

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Grolly - slang

a short human being, of the male gender, intelligent, clever and original

Wow that bloke is amazing, he's a grolly

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creeper or crawler of unpleasant type - nits, gnats, maggots etc.

waiter! there is a grolly in my salad

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a wad of mucus from the nose

"I sneezed out a green grolly with hairs in."

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Large, ming-a-ding-ding string of sticky green snot excreted from the mouth.

There was a swinging grolly hangihng from the bus ceiling.

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