Definder - what does the word mean?

What is goonging?

a smelly little shit who sucks ass and never does anything
also he is squidward

"bro why are you being such a goonge, get out of bed"

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goonging - meme gif

goonging meme gif

goonging - video


Goonging - what is it?

To repeatedly throw eggs at a man’s wife.

Friend 1: Did you hear about the goonging that happened down the street?
Friend 2: Yeah, she was allergic to eggs, that shit was brutal.

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What does "goonging" mean?

Goong ging ging gong

Goong ging ging gong: β€œgoong ging ging gong”
Goong ging ging gong: β€œgoong ging ging gong?”

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Goonging - what does it mean?

An African-American Homosexual

Hey! That black guy has gotta be a Goong!

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Goonging - meaning

short for goongdengee (in Korean) meaning ass. goongdengee

man, he's such a goong.

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Goonging - definition

Originally spotted as a vanity license plate in Canada, goonge is a foul word for a vagina, but can also be used as an adjective. A step above "pussy" but a step below "cunt" on the severity scale.

A portmanteau of "gunt" and "minge".

"Man, don't have sex with her, she's got a nasty goonge!".
"Quit being a goonge and hand me that lighter."

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Goonging - slang

The sound you make to impersonate a dog instead of "woof woof"

"GOONG GOONG", barked a man as he fought with a dog, thinking he was scary enough.

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