Definder - what does the word mean?

What is giglio?

The coolest, funniest, sexiest person you will ever know. Giglio is usually a very trendy and fierce female. She gets all the boys and have them lined up for her. Giglio is tall and has the singing voice of an angel. She is very confident and talks ALOT. Her laugh is usually funnier than the joke itself.

She is so giglio

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giglio - meme gif

giglio meme gif

giglio - video


Giglio - what is it?

The last name of an extraordinary mathlete. Usually of Russian descent and always has two first names. Giglios can be slightly know-it-alls, but don’t fret they don’t make up for it with their looks!

Wow! Look at that Giglio he’s so cool his name is Michael and Daniel.

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What does "giglio" mean?

The best Italian catholic teacher out there. She's loud, obnoxious and blatantly a bad person. Did I mention she's catholic? And Italian? It's a catholic thing you would understand.


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Giglio - what does it mean?

a good soul

joey giglio has a good soul

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Giglio - meaning

A hairless ape like Mom that looks like he’s in his 40s

Paul Giglio is a fucking monkey

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Giglio - definition

A Giglio Brady list is a list compiled usually by a prosecutor's office or a police department containing the names and details of law enforcement officers who have had sustained incidents of untruthfulness, criminal convictions, candor issues, or some other type of issue placing their credibility into question.

Patrol officer mathew anderson made numerous lies on a police report that leads up to his name not even being worth capitalized within this sentence because Brady Giglio

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Giglio - slang

one who has been homeschooled.

The only reason why sarah's kids are so stubborn is because they were giglio'd.

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A good looking Italian-American from New Jersey, New York, Las Vegas or Italy. A Giglio is usually skinny with dark gelled hair. Never mess with a Giglio!!!! I can't say this enough!!!! A Giglio may seem skinny and unintimidating, but the minute you challenge a Giglio to a fight, it will probably be over before it starts because a Giglios sicilian adrenalin will cloud everything and he will beat the ever loving shit out of you and anyone who steps in. Don't think Giglios are all bad people. A Giglio is by nature a generous individual, like most people of Italian heritage are. Giglios are always nice to their friends/coworkers. Giglios will bring in food, gifts, unexpectedly for others because they like to see people happy. Giglios are very good lovers and usually have huge penises and women love them for that Giglios wear gold chains, sometimes pinky rings, work at and some sort of restaurant, usually an italian place of eatery. Giglios tend to have bigger ears than most people but girls think it's very sexy and just makes a Giglio a much better person for knowing that noone is perfect, and being confident about it.

Man, That guy has alot of grease in his hair, he must be a guinea
He is a guinea, his last name is Giglio

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homecoming king of saddle brook in '03

Frankie Giglio is cute.

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