Definder - what does the word mean?

What is gaytonic?

The act of angrily skull-fucking your friend’s face with your tiny penis

Layton gave Ramon a Gayton because he is gay.

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Gaytonic - what is it?

Justin Bieber


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What does "gaytonic" mean?

A close friendship between two homosexual people blossoming into a romantic relationship.

"Dude, look at Mary and Susan! Theyre relationship right now is sooooo gaytonic. They are totally a thing now!"

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Gaytonic - what does it mean?

A very gay albino with cock breath who usually gets fucked by his Dad and has no friends

I smell that breath a mile away must be Gayton Scott

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Gaytonic - meaning

Gaytones, Also known as 'Zaytones' On roblox, Is known for being just a major gayboy overall. This user is a major cutie pie *winks*

Btw: He looks like a foot :(

Bro look at Gaytones I herd he used to macs!!!!

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Gaytonic - definition

A round and chubby individual, resembling a character called 'Azamat' from the 2006 movie 'Borat'.

Favourite phrase: B-B-B-B.

Favourite pastime: Scratching Belly.

Cannot consume less than 6 meals per day

aaaaaaahhh gayton! aaaaaahh azamat!

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Gaytonic - slang

a cuck old from brasil who fell in love with a girl from call center.but she luvs another man not him

gaytonism of cuckold life

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"Yo i think there is a glowing house over there"
"Don't pull a gayton".

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A word used when someone has followed through, or accidentally shit themselves around a group of people.

- Hey dude...pull my finger!
- *pulls*
- Uh Oh *wide eyes*

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A platonic relationship between two people of the same sex.

After divorcing their husbands, Betty and Sue began a gaytonic relationship.

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