Definder - what does the word mean?

What is fuckbags?

A guy who takes his girl for granted and does not treat her like other guys would.

Denning: That guy is stealing the girl I want, he treats her like shit and she keeps going back to him

Aaron: That guy right there is a fuckbag, yes a bag of fuck

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fuckbags - meme gif

fuckbags meme gif

fuckbags - video


Fuckbags - what is it?

A bag of the remains of what happens after a fuck.

Nathan: Don't be such a fuckbag.
Amanda: Ew.

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What does "fuckbags" mean?

A cross between a douche bag and a fucking asshole. One who commits such horrible crimes or acts of stupidity that they are not either just a douche bag or a fucking asshole, but a combination of the two.

Sam was a fuckbag for stealing his best friends girlfriend.

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Fuckbags - what does it mean?

A bag of fuck.

Or at least a bag that has a majority of fuck combined with a minority of shit, piss or douche (douche is only if the person who says the word is a girl or a gay, depending on location)

Dave: You are a fuckbag!
Larry: I guess...
Steven: OK.

Steven: OK!

(Steven is a retard, you see :)

Steven: OK...
Steven: O...
Larry: Shut up you fuckbag with a minority of douche!

(Larry is not gay, just a Tranny)

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Fuckbags - meaning

"Fuk - Bag" Adjective and expressionary out burst of frustration to the other person annoying you.

listen here you fucking "Fuckbag", get the fuck outa my face. Or
Thanks for your uneducated comment you fuckbag.

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Fuckbags - definition

Fag; loser; idiot; gayass; dumbass, etc.(insultive name)

"Hey, Kid! Give me some gum!"
"no fuckbag! find ur own!"

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Fuckbags - slang

Just an insult ! no true meaning but its fun to say.

Your a Fuckbag, Hey fuckbag get over here.

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asshole, jerk, idiot

Yea Jon, he's a fuckbag.

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someone who is a fucking idiot and probably should be shot

listen up you stupid fuckbag!

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A text group of drunken firemen from the shoreline in Connecticut

Those fuckbags are at it again crashing a wedding at a local resort.

Those fuckbags keep sending unsolicited text messages to fellow firefighters.... (Ben)

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