Definder - what does the word mean?

What is douche?

Pronounced "doosh"

*Vaginal cleaning item.
*An offense-purpose word toward a person.

"You're such a douche!"

👍4463 👎3209

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douche meme gif

douche - video

Douche - what is it?

To truly describe a douche would be relatively impossible. But here are some of the tell-tale signs that let you know if you, or someone you know maybe be suffering from being a douche:

-Wears american eagle/lacoste shirts with collar permanently popped

-Walks with a little too much of a gangster bounce in his step(note that this rule does not apply if douche in question is black. being dark brown doesn't keep you exempt from this rule)

-Talks like they have an expanse of knowledge of the world when it is in fact the opposite

-Talks obnoxiously and douche-tastically loud so that others have no option but to overhear they're ridiculously trivial conversations

-Pretending to be black, under any circumstances, constitutes automatic doucheness

-Punch their friends on the shoulder soft enough not to hurt, but hard enough to think they actually have some dominance in their circle of friends

-Wear the christian cross on a necklace when their not religious because they want to be like one of those religious badasses in the action movies(e.g. the sniper in Saving Private Ryan. only but he was actually religious)

-Thinking their the fucking bees knees when in reality they're just a DOUCHE!!!

*brown man walks in with popped collar and overly large bounce in his step*

Observer 1: Check out the height on that collar. A true display of douchebaggery

Observer 2: And the bounce puts the icing on his douchebag cake.

Observer 3: I bet he thinks he's the fucking bees knees...

👍209 👎111

What does "douche" mean?

Literal - A liquid concoction used for sanitizing and cleaning the female nether regions.

Actual - (Adj) A person who is a waste of oxygen; an idiot. Also used to describe a male / female (N) that won't let you run your game. To act in a ridiculous manner; embarassing (V)

That beaatch is a "douche", yo. Tell her to step or catch five quick ones!

My boy was "douchin'" out hard last night! The had to carry his ass out the J-Kwon show.

That kid is real "douchey". Keep him out the crib.

His name is Rich, but we all call him "The Douche".

👍10307 👎6915

Douche - what does it mean?

A) A person who is a complete ignorant dick who thinks that they cannot be wrong.

B)A person that talks too much shit and can't back it up.

C)Someone who is a unnecessary tough-guy all the time.

ex) Mike: Tom, stop talking so much shit all the time.
Tom: Whatever dude its how I roll.
Mike: Douche.

ex) John M.

👍839 👎489

Douche - meaning

obnoxious frat guys who think they are the shit. Obvious indicators include blonde girlfriends, popped collars, baggy clothes and the intention to get drunk during every waking moment

Spencer Pratt pretty much screams DOUCHE

👍183 👎81

Douche - definition

Product mistakenly used under the unfortunate impression that it will improve the environmental condition of the female nether-regions. In fact, the vagina is a self-cleaning organ and use of this product may hinder the "good bacteria" naturally present whose job it is to maintain a state of cleanliness. Should the vagina show signs of infection which would potentially lead to the mistaken impression that douching would be a good idea (unpleasant smell, etc.), one should seek professional medical treatment because they probably have some sort of an infection which can be cleared up properly with medication.

The use of douche, an unfortunately common practice, leads all too frequently to a disruption in the normal self-cleansing vaginal environment, resulting in repeated and worsening symptoms.

👍8507 👎4749

Douche - slang

The typical Toyota Prius driver. Believes that he or she is saving the environment (the batteries contain nickel and other harmful chemicals) or is considered fashionable by driving a Prius when in fact he or she is the second douchiest driver on the road (second to BMW drivers) by accelerating rapidly (thus canceling out fuel savings) and cutting people off and flipping them the bird right afterward.

Look at that douche in the Prius thinking he is saving the environment!

👍113 👎47


a word to describe an individual who has shown themself to be very brainless in one way or another, thus comparing them to the cleansing product for vaginas.

you're such a douche... i wish i knew your existence was this pathetic when i started hanging out with u.

👍42493 👎15531


Something presented as helpful and beneficial for women when in fact it's wholly unnecessary and can cause more problems down the line. Alternately, a person who might be described in a roughly similar way.

That douche seemed pleasant at first, but really started to irritate me after a few days.

👍211 👎55


A person who thinks they are cool, but is actually completely not cool; tool.

That kid Alex Bestes is a total douche.

👍795 👎171