Definder - what does the word mean?

What is flic?

being a gay guy in a straight relationship

henry is SUCH a dating flic. "yea i know, like why is jessica with a guy who cries listening to Mariah Carey's christmas playlist?"

👍27 👎11

flic - meme gif

flic meme gif

flic - video


Flic - what is it?

A Porn Flic is a short video usually what is seen on tube sites. Unlike a full porno or feature length DVD, a porn flic or pornflic is just the best part or parts of the scene.

And unlike DVD's, or the old VHS tapes, pornflics are usually watched from a computer.

Woman: What are you watching?
Guy: Uhhh. Nothing.
Woman: That better not be a porn flic!
Guy: WHAAAAT!! Thats crazy! You know I would never.....
Woman: What? Watch with out me?
Guy: :~)

👍27 👎11

What does "flic" mean?

Fucking Lying Indian Cunt - Indian people that, rather than admit they dont know the answer, will make up some absurd answer.
Typical phrases heard from these people "Let me tell you....", "Buddy Buddy..."

I was at the supermarket, and I asked the indian checkout person if they have any of product A, and he immediately replied that they are sold out. Then I found that there was still many units on the shelf for sale, and that the checkout person just made up an answer, because they didnt know and were too afraid to say they dont know.

He is a perfect example of a FLIC!

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Flic - what does it mean?

The female version of FLID (Fucking Long Island Dick) which is the Debbie Gibson, gum chewing, big 80's hair, Nassau County Community College (AKA The 13th Grade) attending, nail-art wearing FLIC (Fucking Long Island Cunt) whose name is probably Lisa or Marie and has a horrible accent, attitude and uses foul language at the drop of a hat. AKA - the kind of chick a FLID preys upon at Malibu or The OBI. FLICs' are usually found in groups of 5 or more, so be careful.

Appropriate for any spoiled female that thinks her shit don't stink and lives like she was still in high school even though that was 6 years ago and has an attitude problem is most likely a FLIC.

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Flic - meaning

A subtle flex, where no attention is desired in lieu of this flex

Hugh has mad bars no flic
Jonah just saved all the animals in his arc no flic

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Flic - definition

Fuckin Long Island Cunt.

Tophi: "Oh man that place is packed with flids!"

Me: "Yeah, check out those nasty flics as well!"

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Flic - slang

A description used in the south to describe a fine lady/girl.

Damn, that girl is Flic

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A porno film.

I saw a good flic yesterday.

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A French copper

Those fucking Frog flics want my ass

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insta pic

This is a good place for a fire flic!

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