Definder - what does the word mean?

What is fame's?

It is so weird hearing you say that because I never once considered the fame. For me it was always about either control or punishment. Control the people around me who taught I had no sway over their lives or punishing the woefully indifferent horde for forcing me to participate in this pointless facade.

Hym "Oh shit, well if they were all about fame then I must be one of a kind! Hahaha!"

👍25 👎11

fame's - meme gif

fame's meme gif

fame's - video


Fame's - what is it?

Main family. A combination of fam and mayne.

What up fames! What are we doing tonight fames!

👍83 👎45

What does "fame's" mean?

Present in those whose actions rest in the long term memory caches of others. While an explicit introduction of the said individual may be given, it should merely be a formality as the true introduction should have been apparent when the individual entered the vicinity.

"As he walked into the room, the fame dripped from his face. The fabric of time began to twist as his aura began to mold the future."

👍121 👎67

Fame's - what does it mean?

what happens to you when you give an acceptance speech in front of Kanye West

Imma letchu finish, but it's important for you to know that I, kanye west, have a burning uncontrollable desire to make an ass of myself in the most hilarious and racist way possible. Taylor since you aren't yet famous enough, here's a little bit more fame to help you feel better about being embaressed in front of the whole world. Don't feel so bad, you'll make millions off this.

👍115 👎61

Fame's - meaning

When you are considered hardcore by your peers, and when you know that no one is better then you.

Person:Brandon, your so fame.
Brandon: old!

👍209 👎123

Fame's - definition

A guy who likes to Game

Did you see Fame play today?

👍31 👎11

Fame's - slang

Something We all adore, something worth dying for, stuck in this game searchin' for fortune and fame


Fame is good to a certain extent, but the lack of privacy really sucks

👍633 👎321


a technique used to avoid losing "the game". When you here the game, think that you heard The Fame, the album by Lady Gaga

Kid 1:hey

Kid 2:what

Kid 1:the game

Kid 2:The Fame, i love that album

👍39 👎13


Lady GaGa's debut album, released in August 2008. The first two singles from the album were "Just Dance" and "Poker Face", both topping charts worldwide. Other singles from the album include "Eh Eh (Nothing Else I can Say)", "LoveGame" and "Paparazzi". GaGa heavily promoted the album through her first headlining The Fame Ball Tour.

The Fame track listing:
1. Just Dance
2. LoveGame
3. Paparazzi
4. Beautiful, Dirty, Rich
5. Eh Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say)
6. Poker Face
7. The Fame
8. Money Honey
9. Again Again
10. Boys Boys Boys
11. Brown Eyes
12. Summerboy

The bonus tracks on certain international releases of the album include:

I Like It Rough
Paper Gangster
Diaco Heaven
Retro Dance Freak

👍127 👎47


Fuck All My Enemies

F=Fuck A=All M=My E=Enemies FAME

👍519 👎149