Definder - what does the word mean?

What is fagitate?

related to FAG (Fucking Ask Google).
pronounced like faggot.

The all in one instruction to tell someone to ask google and stop wasting your time.

Coworker: "What is a bearcat?"
Me: "FAGit."
Coworker: "Oh! A bearcat is related to skunks and acts like a wolverine."

👍171 👎251

fagitate - video


Fagitate - what is it?

To seriously mull something over; to descend deep into thought.

I must fagitate a little longer before I can produce a better example.

👍35 👎15

What does "fagitate" mean?

not a faggit

Caleb is not a fagit

👍109 👎81

Fagitate - what does it mean?

when someone is the cobmination of a fag and hypocrite

wow. that anti-gay senator was giving out rimjobs at a truckstop, what a fagite

👍93 👎55

Fagitate - meaning

Not your everyday faggot...much gayer, much more retarded, and much, much, MUCH, more autistic.

Ashton: "Hey here comes that fAgit, Eugene. EUGEEEEEEEEEEEENE"
Matt: "You never learn..."
Eugene: "Eugenos, use Slash!"

👍77 👎41

Fagitate - definition

Acting stupid or gay somewhat to a fag

Jade: Did you see kelsea and ember acting stupid last night?

Kendra: yeah, they're sooo fagitated!

👍45 👎17

Fagitate - slang

A phrase commonly used by toon accounts on Twitter. Also could mean You.

Spodermen: Ur an fagit
Dolan: Spodermen stahp u fagit

Ur an fagit

👍273 👎123


An incorrect spelling of the word "faggot" that is often used by illiterate bastards like yourself who came in search of this non-existent word.

Beast: "You're such a fagit."

Intelligent Human: "I believe you mean "faggot" you damn dirty ape."

👍2309 👎1173


The practice of disappointing your father by being a faggot

I noticed your son is in the play at school, he must have caught the bug of fagitism.

👍81 👎19


A saying that spoderman uses frequently which means faggot.

Ur an fagit.

👍85 👎13