Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ejed?

If you ever meet someone in the world you are the luckiest person to exist people named ej are the best people ever and make the best bestie ever they are also very loyal and will never leave you for anyone <3

people named ej are the best bestie to ever exist and that's a fact!!

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ejed - meme gif

ejed meme gif

ejed - video


Ejed - what is it?

He’s really heem nobody can fuck wit bro he’s fly , gets money, he’s the full package n allat

Damnn look at Ej man so inspirational he’s really heem

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What does "ejed" mean?

gorgeous hott sexy mofo hehehe lol
sweet perverted lil taco

look at the ej across dastreet YUMMY

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Ejed - what does it mean?

The act of getting ejected and/or getting dominated by something or someone.

Dude you just got ejed!. Why would you even.

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Ejed - meaning

the sweetest guy you will ever meet, he is caring and very funny. He is so handsome and always knows how to make me smile. He also has a massive dick

"Have you met EJ? He is my soulmate."

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Ejed - definition

Ej is very cool has lots of freinds and is genrally a awesome person

your Ej

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Ejed - slang

truly sexylicious, absolutely adorable, and utterly gorgeous!

ej is mr hot!!!!

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A big hunk of man meat. Any girl wudnt mind gargling him marbles. and no female cud pass up waxin his crank shaft. Was born with a huge penis that cud satisfy a whale. Adorable, cute and sexy. there he is in three words.

normal convo at a party: "Hey whered all the girls go?" "The must be with EJ the handsome stud"

typical praise:"oh i love EJ, with his perfectly toned body, his chiseled six pack and those ripping muscles are so BIG!!

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A person who is a bad bitch,and is always right and always on on top of everyone.

Ejs is the best.

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It stands for Expert Jew. Enough Said.

Scott: Did you see those EJ's at the mall
Paully: Yeah, they wore glasses, had a beard and a yamaca too!
Scott: That's whats up! I'm a straight up EJ myself

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