Definder - what does the word mean?

What is dumB?

A person with long brown hair, or bright white hair; usually named Kyle

Kyle is a dumb dumb

👍81 👎121

dumB - meme gif

dumB meme gif

dumB - video


DumB - what is it?

1)Inabilty to speak, Mute
2)Lacking intelligence, stupid

That deaf "dumb" and blind kid sure plays a mean pinball --The Who

I cant believe you would test to see if that wire is live with your tounge. Man your "Dumb".

👍4287 👎1555

What does "dumB" mean?

This occurs when you have an altercation with someone who’s extremely stupid.

I had been told Millie wasn’t that bright. But I didn’t have my first dumb-in with her until last week when she tried to open a checking account without proper funds.

👍77 👎19

DumB - what does it mean?

Somebody who cheats on their wife with a prostitute in Nevada.

Dumb cheated on his wife with a prostitute in Nevada.

👍169 👎41

DumB - meaning

If you don't know what this means then you are.

I'm sorry this definition is so dumb.

👍1141 👎121

DumB - definition

A terrible disease that makes you unable to brain.

I can't brain today...I have The Dumb

👍181 👎17

DumB - slang

Out of line, ridiculous, completely uncalled for.

Audrey told what to the cops? That bitch is dumb-dumb.

👍63 👎31


A common term for someone acting in a stupid manner.

"YuB is being a dumb dumb"

👍45 👎15


Certain people who portray a level of retardedness vastly greater than the general populous.

"Hey SSgt! YOU'RE A DUMB DUMB!" (Candido)

👍111 👎39


a common term used when someone is being stupid or idiotic... or just dumb, made into a noun. (c)amanda ryyla

Alessia is a dumb dumb.

👍291 👎77