Definder - what does the word mean?

What is douche nugget?

A person(s) who is continuously a bitch/douche bag.

Someone who says/does things to intentionally put you down or upset you.

It can also refer to a group of people doing something to intentionally hurt/upset an individual or animal.

Gosh, Ted is being such a Douche-Nugget, did you hear what he said to Emily?

That poor dog, those Douche-Nuggets keep throwing rocks at it.

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douche nugget - video


Douche nugget - what is it?

Any member of the human species that says something completely asinine.

That bitch is such a douche nugget.

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What does "douche nugget" mean?

A term commonly used to address one of your best friends that you love. Typically a starboy friend.

"Pedro, you are such a douche nugget."
"Pedro, I love you. You douche nugget."

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Douche nugget - what does it mean?

The child of a douchebag who will undeniably become a douchebag one day.

Guy 1: Man, that kid's a real douche nugget.

Guy 2: Yeah... look at his douchebag dad.. I'm sure his personality is already rubbing off on the poor kid.

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Douche nugget - meaning

A take-off from the modern meaning of the term "douchebag." "Douche nugget" is used to describe someone who is arrogant, self-centered, rude, obnoxious, etc, and this person is not well-liked due to these characteristics. Someone who acts like a douche nugget also possesses a low level of intelligence.

Emily: He's been acting weird for the past week or so...
Amanda: What a douche nugget.

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Douche nugget - definition

someone who is a total ahole and doesnt seem to realize it

1.Nobody likes corey because he is a Douche nugget


2.Dude why are you being such a Douche nugget?

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Douche nugget - slang

An idiot, moron... Used as a humorous insult, with no harm meant

Dude, you're such a fuckin' douche-nugget! You mean Douche-bag? no.. you haven't gained that title yet.. you're still a lil douche :)

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Douche nugget

Noun: a small piece of hardened vaginal secretion that is flushed out while douching. Also synonymous with douche bag.

Dude, let's never hang out with Bethanie again. She's a huge douche nugget anymore.

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Douche nugget

noun: a person who is not quite yet a full-blown douche-bag. A douche-nugget is a person that is annoying and bothersome in his/her actions and words.

Roberto is a real Douche Nugget, he never combs his curly pube-hair head.

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Douche nugget

or nugget of douche, this term can be used to describe a person who doesn't think before they speak. one who needs corrected on a daily basis because of how much of a douche they really are. this can also be used to describe a bite size douche

really douche nugget?

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