Definder - what does the word mean?

What is I love you?

Something I mean with all of my heart...even when I'm going through PMS

JB: Would you please stop being such a bitch
Me: But baby, I love you!!

Justin, I love you

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I love you - video

I love you - what is it?

A common saying that is said between a male and a female that are both in a serious relationship together.

I love you...Please don't ever leave me.

I know it may seem a little too early to be saying this, but I want to say this now before it's too late. I love you.

We've only been dating for a couple of months, but girl I love you.

You make me happy. I love you.

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What does "I love you" mean?

a term that can be used for both romantic and platonic relationships

β€œYou’re my brother, I love you.” -Keith Kogane, to his older brother/mentor, Shiro.

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I love you - what does it mean?

I love you are three words which if said and meant correctly are the hardest words to say. You should not say them just for fun or because you want to get someone to have sex with you. I love you is what you say to a person who means the absolute world to you, when you would never do anything to harm them and you never want to loose them. I love you must not just be said, but proven too, you must prove how much you love that person. And lads, if she laughs and calls you an're a very lucky man!! Women rarely say it back no matter how much they want to. Sometimes silence is the best reply. But don't just say it, you have to mean it

Ross: grace?...I love you

Grace: *silence*
Ross: I do...
Grace: *laughs* you're an idiot

Ross:*fist pumps air*

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I love you - meaning

β€˜I love you’ is a statement that is abused by many. β€˜I love you’ means accepting a person for who they are and not wanting to change them. Caring for them. Standing by their side through easy and hard times. Keeping their deep secrets. having trust, loyalty, and honesty. Most importantly Empathy. If you actually love a person you would actually take your time to spell it out not Abbreviating it. β€˜Ily’ β€˜I luv u’ β€˜I love u’ I wuv u’ etc... all don’t mean shit. β€˜I love you’ is the ONLY way to say it to a person you truly love. You can take 5 seconds to Spell it out other wise your just wasting the others persons time.
This also goes for saying β€˜I love you too’.
β€˜I luv u 2’ β€˜ily2’ β€˜I love you 2’ β€˜I wuv u 2’ etc... Also don’t mean shit β€˜I love you too’ is the ONLY way to say it back.

Girlfriend: I love you Johnny.
Boyfriend: I love you too Cheryl.

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I love you - definition

You know it and i do too

I love you too

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I love you - slang

Three words that you say if your heart truly belongs to someone. That you would die for them.

Guy:I love you jess.

Girl:I love you too.

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I love you

Words to describe feelings when a really special action from a person that can help you feel better and get you smiling, symptoms of happiness and feel supported in which their actions consider you telling them I Love you, because you love the person for who they are and what they are doing for you because that is how their actions effect your emotions, Nothing Magical!

"Mom I Love you for supporting me in court today"

"I Love you Baby for always cooking for me after coming from work all tired"

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I love you

I love you is a strong word that people use too much, people say it without knowing the real meaning of it. It’s a way of expressing your feelings for someone, but you may only say it to that special someone otherwise it would mean nothing.

If someone tells you they love you, what they are trying to say is they can see their future in your eyes.

β€œWe have spend years together now, it’s time I confess....I love you feel the same way?..”

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I love you

A saying. An over used statement in which society today takes for granted. The usage of the phrase varies deeply. It can range from a simple "Hey baby, I love you, now lets hook up." to a feeling with when truly inlove, is literally indescribable. Phycology dictates it as a simple chemical reaction triggered within the confines of your brain, but it is much, much more. It can be in the very epicenter of your soul or it can be your ultimate downfall. Love can either destroy you, or be the very reason of your existence. Love is what love does. Love is giving someone with the power to obliterate you, but having complete faith and trust in them not to. Love is life.

Guy who truly loves a girl: "I love you and I want to be with you forever."

Girl who truly loves the guy above: "I love you too, and you're my everything."

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