Definder - what does the word mean?

What is doony?

when someone gives you that butterfly feeling in your stomach every time y’all are around eachother or talking

dude alivia gives me mad doonis

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doony - meme gif

doony meme gif

doony - video


Doony - what is it?

When you get to have sex with a girl

Aye so you gonna let me beat the doonies down

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What does "doony" mean?

your boo, or your girl

goodnight doonie. or, son that's my doonie is sexxxy.

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Doony - what does it mean?

Part of wOmEn

beatn the doonies down

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Doony - meaning

the act of betraying, cheating, lying to a significant other.

she slept with your co-worker? haha, you got "doonied"

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Doony - definition

Doonies-reference to a male beating a females pussy so hard it causes vibration in her organs causing them to move downwards hence the reference I beat her doonies down


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Doony - slang

(aka vagina) a moist, warm house for the penis.

get your doonie out

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A Doonie is a Vagina... Term was Popularized by YN Louie & YN Jay. In songs they mention "beating peoples doonies down" which is the verbal phrase for Doonies. which means the same as beating up a pussy or fuckung the shit outta someone.

In Context :

" Man I Beat Her Doonies Down"

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Another word for internal organs

β€œI know she be at Motel 6 getting her doonies beat down!’ -kyahnextdoor on Tiktok

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(n) one who snows

person 1: wow, doony puffed all fatly
person 2: i know! there's tons of fluff stuff on the ground!

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