Definder - what does the word mean?

What is dog's cock?

The act of placing your cock in a hot dog bun putting some catchup or mustard on it and trying to serve it to a woman.

Dude1: Oh man dude I tried the cock dog trick at a party last night it totally worked.

Dude2:Oh really awesome, what happened?

Dude1:I got my ass beat by her boyfriend.

👍65 👎67

dog's cock - video


Dog's cock - what is it?

A dangerous sex game played by sadomasochistic sex groups. A board with holes and ledges in front of each hole is set up in a dimly lit room and hotdogs are placed on all but one ledge. The remaining, randomly chosen, ledge is set up with a faux hot dog with the traditional condiments but with a willing males semi-erect penis inserted through the hole and replacing the traditional frankfurter filling. The other games participants, typically naked females, take turns vigorously biting at the dogs until the cock is identified and the winning female is crowned victorious. It was alleged invented in Dutch private schools.

"Hey bro, I met with these gnarly sorority girls last night and, after a classic game of beer pong, they suggested cock dogging. I think I was more surprised that they had the necessary equipment than I was when I felt the winning bite... I was pretty wasted though."

👍25 👎11

What does "dog's cock" mean?

good insult, fun to use.

chris: oy you fucking gay
liam: why dont you shit off you hairy dogs cock

👍149 👎49

Dog's cock - what does it mean?

a male penis that is very hairy

"Do you suck hairy dogs cocks"

👍163 👎75

Dog's cock - meaning

a very small penis that is very hairy like i mean all up the rod balls and into the gooch.

My friends penis is a hairy dogs cock. once he was cockslapping me and i woke up to see the smallest penis ever withy the most hair ever.

👍219 👎101

Dog's cock - definition

When a man puts his erect penis into a dog's anus, then uses the dog as a cock extension. The most popular dog cock rod is a sausage dog it adds the most length without too much weight. The rough fur also add for extra clitoral stimulation making dem bitches pretty happy.

1. John sure used his dog cock rod to its maximum potential, that bitch look very tired.
2. Wow! My dog cock rod is so good, she loved it.
3. That st bernard was awesome, the extra girth did it for me, oh and the free lubrication (its slavery chops).

👍51 👎17

Dog's cock - slang

Somebody who has in some way been a general dick head

Jaques Chirac

👍47 👎41

Dog's cock

Also "dogcock" or "dogscock." British journalese for an exclamation mark (!) due to the visual similarity. Considered vulgar but widely used within the industry.

Mentioned in Lynn Truss's book EATS, SHOOTS AND LEAVES.

"Can't we get along with just one dog's cock on that banner? Surely three is going over the top."

👍45 👎21

Dog's cock

An offensive term to call someone an idiot or to imply that they are stupid.

Person A gets a question wrong on the pub quiz machine;
Person 2 : "You big dogs cock".

👍65 👎31

Dog's cock

Or Dog Cock; journalist slang for the exclamation mark (!)

A full stop's not enough for that sentence - better add a dog's cock.

👍89 👎39