Definder - what does the word mean?

What is dish-ragged?

Undesireable loose hanging skin on the vagina, also known as meat curtains.

"Yo I banged that milf last night that i was working on. Unfortunatly she had a smelly dish rag. "

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dish-ragged meme gif

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Dish-ragged - what is it?

When you having sex with a Filipino man, he nuts you, and you clean it up with his shirt.

I almost went to work today wearing a Filipino Dish Rag.

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What does "dish-ragged" mean?

When you piss your girlfriend off and she uses her used pad to wash your dishes.

Giiiirl Brian pissed me off so i gave him the dirty dish rag!

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Dish-ragged - what does it mean?

after finishing on a girl's face you proceed to wipe off the white stuff with your balls

Last night when I gave my girl Russian dish rag, she was eternally grateful.

A Russian dish rag is better than no rag at all.

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Dish-ragged - meaning

A sock filled to the brim with semen.

Ugh, I stepped on Dave's Bachelor's Dish Rag.

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Dish-ragged - definition

A ho that’s used like a β€˜dishrag’ by men in the neighborhood. Meaning she is a whore.

Yo man that ho is a damn dish rag.
She been doing everyone in the hood!

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Dish-ragged - slang

Another word for a person who is a douche bag.
Both words sound alike. But one feels less gross to say.

He cheats and flirts with other girls while he has a girlfriend, what a dish rag.

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A dirty ass, skanky, piece of shit, scandalous bitch who tries to look and act a 100 times hotter than she can ever hope to be

What a dish rag, She just sucked my dick in the bathroom and she's making out with that dude over there.

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To get absolutely and positively owned, used, or abused. To be tossed down like a used dish rag after the dishes have been done. Generally used in the contexts of American football, fighting, and relationships.

1)"Wow, that running back just got dish-ragged by that Middle Linebacker."

2)"Rampage just dish-ragged that chump who tried to charge him."

3)"Man, Joe's girlfriend just dish-ragged his ass and left him for another dude."

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