Definder - what does the word mean?

What is cuddle fucking?

When you want to cuddle so hard you need that dick inside you too.

I'm going to cuddle-fuck Greg* so hard when I see him next. Me -2012 to my sister on the phone who was in Siciliy. *Changed

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cuddle fucking - video


Cuddle fucking - what is it?

After having some extreme fuck session you and your partner will experience a deep sensation of romantic love cuz that sex was just so damn good son. It is during this process that both you and your partner will be too physically drained of energy and pussy/sausage juice that neither of you could start up that sexual drive. The end result is the Post Fuck Cuddle where both of you just end up spooning after some hot pussy and dick interaction.

"Hey bro how did that date go?"

"Me and that fuego babe had some hot pussy and dick interaction then ended with a good Post Fuck Cuddle

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What does "cuddle fucking" mean?

On November 2nd u have to cuddle/Fuck someone.

I can’t wait for national cuddle/fuck day!!

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Cuddle fucking - what does it mean?

like a cuddle buddy and a fuck buddy), aka CFB
cuddle fuck buddies are usually ppl you make out with when you're bored or you're really horny, NOT A BOYRIEND/GIRLFRIEND

I need a cuddle fuck buddy, I'm so horny!

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Cuddle fucking - meaning

When you really dont feel like fucking so you suggest to your partner you just cuddle instead of fucking

Rebecxa wanted to fuck but i suggested we cuddle fuck instead

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Cuddle fucking - definition

When you cuddle then fuck after it.

"John and I cuddle fucks almost every day"

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Cuddle fucking - slang

When the leader of the evening in your posse deems it time to leave the Club. They then proceed to gather the group but not head towards the door. Thus causing a jam up in traffic that forces you to stand uncomfortably close to your guy friends.

Josh - Yo lets get out of here
10 Minutes Later
Mike - Come on.. enough of the Cuddle Fucking lets move! Adam is running up the back of my legs and I Brent looks like he can't breathe!

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Cuddle fucking

when two people are close together, kissing and holding each other, they begin to touch each other. The girl/guy jacks off the guy and in return the guy/girl fingers the girl until both cum. They both then continue to hold and kiss each other.

Cuddle Fucking is for example when John and Carmen are sitting on the couch, they are kissing each other and holing each other. John reaches into Carmen's pants and fingers her. Then Carmen reaches into John's pants and jerks him off. They both then go back to holding and kissing each other.

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Cuddle fucking

A classic and one of the best hook up moves ever created. Ask a girl to cuddle (usually while watching a movie), add some making out and dry sex... and bam you're popping that pussy and she's shaking that ass.

When you are about to cuddle-fuck your girl, make sure you rent a free movie because you'll never end up watching it.

I made the undefeated move of cuddle fucking my girl last night. Shit never fails.

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Cuddle fucking

To have sexual intercourse while cuddling, usually in the spoon position (man facing woman's back, wrapped around her, both on their sides.) Characteristically slow and gentle sex.

Man: "Wanna have sex?"
Woman "I don't know, I'm kind of tired..."
Man: "Well why don't we cuddle fuck?"
Woman: "Okay then!"

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