Definder - what does the word mean?

What is connal?

Connal is a very perfect boy with a massive meaty monkey penis. Connal enjoys black gay porn on late nights. But connal is also an amazing kind hearted and supportive boy that i love. Connal deserves the world and is an amazing human being. He gives the best hugs and kisses and is all around an amazing person. Connal is not just a sweetheart, he also has a big meaty juicy veiny black cock growing off of his foot ๐Ÿ˜ฉ. i love you connal

โ€œHey look itโ€™s connal!โ€
โ€œOh ya i heard connalโ€™s have massive shlongsโ€

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connal - meme gif

connal meme gif

connal - video


Connal - what is it?

To slap one's pickle or perform an act of sexual nature in a place open to members of the public e.g. a toilet cubicle

Aww who just went for a connal, they made a right mess!

Ha, Paul just caught someone else connaling

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What does "connal" mean?

a fetish where a person frequantly wants the act of connaling to be done to them by a connal - (EXTREMELY RARE) only has been one case

i wish someone else would peform connaling on me instead of me doing it to them. yay i have a connal fetish

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Connal - what does it mean?

Connal is a person with a massive dick, connal's are usually very chill and like spongebob.

Wow Connal, you really do like spongebob!

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Connal - meaning

The greatest person in this universe. He is a hell of a hit with the ladies, they just pounce on him like a lion on a zebra. He is an outstanding fullback for O.W.R.F.C and should be the first team captain when he is old enough. Last but not least... he absolutely awesome.

"Connall, the person who plays fullback for O.W.R.F.C"

"Connall, the best looking lad in Gutho"

"Connall, the guy with the ยฃ100 tie"

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Connal - definition

A sweet girl that can move on from a guy in a blink of an eye. Sheโ€™s sensitive and sweet. If you get your hands on a connally donโ€™t let her go. Sheโ€™s beautiful on the inside and out.

Joe: did you see that beautiful girl over there
Cooper: ya sheโ€™s probably a connally

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Connal - slang


1. The act of masturbation.
2. An inappropriate display of affection.


1. To perform sexual acts upon ones self in an enclosed but inappropriate space.
2. To touch another person of either sex in a way that is both inappropriate and unwanted.
3. Used in a sarcastic sense when that person refuses a hug or other basic emotional act.

โ€œI am just off for a Connalโ€
โ€œHe gave me a Connalโ€

"I just found XXXXXX Connaling in the toilet"
"He went for a quick Connal"

โ€œEww, donโ€™t Connal meโ€
โ€œโ€ฆand he just started Connaling her!โ€

โ€œStop Connaling herโ€
โ€œHaha, She doesnโ€™t want a Connalโ€

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to touch one self or others (esp women) in an inappropriate sexual way in public

I feel like having a Connal
Ha! You just got Connaled

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A man who is usually chill. He's more of an indoor type of guy, and he loves playing video games. He can be pretty clueless sometimes... but he can also be a really sweet guy when he wants to. Generally really tall and handsome.

Wow, that man is hot! He must be a Connal.

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