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What is club rats?

People of either gender who are addicted to Instagram and House (or Deep House) music, though not necessarily at the same time.

A slang term for a person who's addiction to social media and house music reduces them to becoming "atmosphere models", "table leeches" or "promoter hoes".

They are usually around 16 - 24 years old, living at their parents home (or model houses if they're pretty and from out of town) and have below par cognitive responses and eyesight/hearing.

The combination of hard fomo and molly abuse means that they are normally also broke (never earning enough to get away) and living/eating at the mercy of Club Promoters who use them to earn their own income through club/private "sponsors". The party, music, drugs and or DJ obsessions eventually replacing any drive and/or cognitive ability to craft a meaningful career.

The Instagram aspect is the crucial appeal as most people (but especially models) are actively trying to increase the number of followers they have on their social media and "the sponsors" via the promoter will aid in providing beautiful or striking backdrops for their continued Instagram illusion.

In recent years the number of young girls who have been drugged and raped/pimped by people who they considered as their guardians (promoters or other models in the model house) has reached staggering numbers, with VICE, CNN and even MTV reporting on it.

Their reputations indelibly tarnished, often leads long bouts of deep depression.

At a restaurant

"She's kinda cute..."
"Are you kidding? She rolls with PJ (promoter)"
"Fuck, she's a Club Rat?"

All the girls are on their smart-phones without conversation

"Naw, she's one of those Insta-Club Rats."

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club rats - video


Club rats - what is it?

A recent phenomenon which consist of wannabe models (normally from Eastern Europe) who chase deep house clubs, parties and DJs at night as if they'd never heard electronic music before, instead of their dreams.
And are addicted to their Instagram numbers during all other waking hours.

Usually between 16 and 22 years of age, they're careers are over before they start due to their addiction to MDMA and swollen genitals. Busted, broke and living like slobs, sometimes 3 or 4 to a room, in model apartments in New York, London and L.A. Insta-Club Rats are the dumbest of all the Club Rats and Promo Hoes.

"Vould you listen to ze DJ! Iz sooo guut!

"Are you a model?"
"I vant be Guess or Viktoria Secret girl!"
"But I go to Burning Man next veek, then I see Solomun in Miami, then I go to closing parties. You should follow me on Instagram!"
"Who's paying for all that?"
"My promoter"
"Insta-Club Rats don't get promoted honey, they get used and abused"
"I not like zis!"
"Take another pill, honey, your face is melting"

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What does "club rats" mean?

its the last gal to leave the club and usually leaves with a bartender, D.J. or maintence guy who ever is drunk enough not to care at last call

Dont waste your time she's the three finger club rat!

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Club rats - what does it mean?

A species of rodent that likes to frequent clubs and bars.

Environment: Dark places with flashing colored or strobe lights.

Temperament: Enjoys attention, receiving compliments, can be annoying at times, wears low and high cut clothing, enjoys dancing with members of the same or opposite sex.

Movement: Likes grinding and dancing on poles or other objects that attract attention.

Greg: What are you doing tonight?
Angela: Going to the club
Greg: Again? You just went the past few nights
Angela: I know but I just can't get enough of it
Greg: You're an American Club Rat

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Club rats - meaning

Kid who frequents clubs for the music, dancing, drinks, drugs, sex, etc. Possibly under-age and possibly using a fake ID. Related to the mall rat, but cooler.

Nyla was a total club rat in high school -- spent every night out dancing, and never got carded.

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Club rats - definition

Club rats are those FIT girls walking back into the freshman dorms on 27th street with faux fur and short skirts around 2am/3am. You can also find them coming back into the dorms sometime during the morning in their same club outfit, with their makeup still on point.

*me and friend waiting for insomnia cookies at 2am*
Friend: Hey look the club rats are coming back.

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Club rats - slang

A woman Hoe or Scandelous woman that hangs out and or goes to clubs All the time. While in the club they can be found in or trying to get into the V.I.P sections hustling free drinks or gifts.

Hey how was the club last night, any new honies there? Nah man just the same old CLUB RATS that were there earlier in the week

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Club rats

A person (contrary to popular belief, can be a member of either sex) who regularly frequents the discothèque. Can often be seen posing, wearing the latest trends in clothing including shirts with lame, bold slogans & wearing sunglasses inside & at night, handing out club discount entry passes so they can brag about being a promoter, attempting to sneak into the VIP area & gurning their face off from munching too many disco biscuits.

Robert: Look at John over there...what a disgrace! Hes such a filthy club rat.

Shirley: Yeah its OK to not go to the club for one week! Is that a girls shirt from Supre that hes wearing?

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Club rats

1. A girl that is addicted to being at the club.
2. A girl that spends most of the weekday and weekends at the club.
3. A girl that's always at the club and pimp's stupid guys for drinks then walks away like she never knew them.

Girl: Hey where's Sarah.
Boy: At the club, as usual.
Girl: Damn that girls a club rat.

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Club rats

someone who is alwyas goin to the club

whos at the club-----just the normal club rats

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