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What is climbing that tree?

like "climbing the mango tree" but for women; masterbation for women

girl 1: "i squirted after climbing the apple tree last night"

girl 2: "OMG howd u climb?

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climbing that tree - video


Climbing that tree - what is it?

To masturbate out of desperation, especially during an extended period of sexual abstinence. Often the abstinence is not by choice, but rather by one's failed attempts to make it with someone else.
The term originates from an episode of "Two and a Half Men".

"...if you still have the energy, pull it like a monkey climbing the mango tree."

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What does "climbing that tree" mean?

To get high, most commonly by means of marijuana. Trees is a common slang name for marijuana. When you climb a tree, you're getting higher in elevation than when you were on the ground. Therefore climbing trees refers to getting high off of trees.

Hey I just got an eighth of some haze, want to go climbing trees?

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Climbing that tree - what does it mean?

November 7 is national climb a tree day! Grab ur old clothes and grippy trainers!!

Friend 1: right we are climbing a tree
Friend 2: what why?
Friend 1: because it's national climb a tree day silly

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Climbing that tree - meaning

to smoke sum weed.

yo mane im bout to go climb a tree house.. wanana come wit?

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Climbing that tree - definition

A video made by Tipsy Duck that involves the death of Kim and the perpetrators, Tim and Jim

You ever watched How to climb a tree?

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Climbing that tree - slang

When he is so tall you wanna climb him like you would climb a tree

When u wanna ride his penis hard

Damn look at kaden i wanna climb his treeπŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜

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Climbing that tree

sexual intercourse

dude can i call you back

uhm why

im climbing a tree right now

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Climbing that tree

You want to get something that you can never get, you fall down and get a scratch on your external auditory meatus.

Taylor is climbing the trees while writing a paper.

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Climbing that tree

Describes a sophisticated series of foxy dance moves, too wild and peccable for the common hipster and most Italian dance floors. Even a disco fox runs the risk to get kicked out of a club.

Sebastian: "I Was thrown out of a techno club because I climbed a tree."

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