Definder - what does the word mean?

What is cliffy?

Clitoris Erection. Female version of the male word stiffy denoting an erection of the female glans. As in a clitoris stiffy. Cliffy.

Singular - Cliffy, plural - Cliffies

Deborah: I hooked up with Stephen from Accounting last night. He left me hogh n dry with a cliffy.

Wanda: OH. MY. GOD. The Swesosh football team has me wrecked with a case of the cliffies!

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cliffy - meme gif

cliffy meme gif

cliffy - video


Cliffy - what is it?

someone who shows off thier wealth or comes from briarCLIFF

ur such a freakin cliffy

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What does "cliffy" mean?

a dried piece of mucous, also known commonly as a booger, which is barley visible at the entrance of a nostril. A cliffy can also be attached to nose hairs.

You didn't tell him about that cliffy he was sportin' before the speech.

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Cliffy - what does it mean?

A word that has no actual meaning it is just there to made up to make someone feel stupid

he is real cliffy

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Cliffy - meaning

A man of a homosexual orientation, who enjoys gay sex regularly. He sits on his own at home masterbating to gay porno.

"That mans a fucking cliffy"

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Cliffy - definition

Cliffy's my nickname, not mucus =(

Cliffy, you're so cool!

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Cliffy - slang

Derived from the combination of clit and stiffy, Cliffy is a term used to describe an erection of a female's clitoris. Usually due to sexual stimulation or arousal.

This porn is so bad the actress doesn't even have a cliffy!

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A know-it-all who is fond of spouting random facts. Taken from the character "Cliffy" from Cheers.

Dingos are native to Australia? Gee, thanks, cliffy.

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To be the center of attention at an amusing and unnecessary rate.

1. damn. he's getting pretty cliffy!

2. er'y body at the club get'in cliffy!

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1) To remove the fun from a situation (especially a competitive game.)

2) Someone who disappears for the night with a member of the opposite sex and then refuses to share the sordid details of the encounter with their friends

1) oh god, he completely cliffied that game of monopoly

2) Come on, what happened last night? Don't be a cliffy

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