Definder - what does the word mean?

What is chinsed?

Past tense of Chinsey

Dad: did you get the large fries
Me: no my friend was too chinsed

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Chinsed - what is it?

To serve a lack of; to cheap out.

Tom left a $1 tip on a $30 bill at a restaurant. James looks at him and says, "Why you chinsing out on the tip, man? You have to leave at LEAST 15%..."

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What does "chinsed" mean?

How one spells Chinese after partaking in an evening of Cannabis sativa.


Sent:: Munchies?
Reply:: Yeah man!
Sent:: Chinse?
Reply:: Right on man, sounds groovy

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Chinsed - what does it mean?

A retarded dork who is a hermit.

That douche with the glasses looking at us through the window is a chinse.

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Chinsed - meaning

When you are given less weed than u bought/asked for

Guy 1: I just bought 2 gs
Guy 2: that’s .5 bro
Guy 1: fuck that’s a fat chinse

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Chinsed - definition

To be way too frugal or cheap. Cutting corners.

When a dishonest person is selling a service to the market with the very lowest price of them all, they are probably chinsing their customers somewhere, somehow or someway to earn themselves a buck.

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Chinsed - slang

it means you`re cut pronounced chin-s-duh

"you`re chinsed from the rotation."

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the act of being deceived or cheated

β€œI rolled a 4!”

β€œThat was definitely a 5. You lose”
β€œYou fucking chinsed me!!”

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