Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Cutting?

Cutting is a form of self harm. Cutters use sharp objects to harm themselves. They cut anywhere to just feel something.

I have a way to describe it to non-self harmers. Just hold your breath. Hold it until your chest feels like it might just burst and then breathe. You felt relief and that's what cutters feel.

Friend: Why do you cut yourself?

Cutter: Cutting makes me feel something other than nothing.

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Cutting - meme gif

Cutting meme gif

Cutting - video

Cutting - what is it?

When someone wants to live but has to let the “darkness”. I cut almost every night and I hate it. I want to stop but then how do I let the darkness out? I tell a friend my problems and he tells me all the positive parts of them. If you are having troubles please tell a friend. If they are a real friend they will help you.

“Are you cutting tonight?” Asked Damion. “No. Not anymore, you are here to help me through this and I am very thankful.” Answered Liz.

đź‘Ť25 đź‘Ž11

What does "Cutting" mean?

Cutting is when you Take a sharp object like a razor or safety pin to cause self harm. You don’t have to be emo to cut. Most people cut because they are depressed and it’s a coping method. It’s not something to do for attention. Cutting is serious. In my experience with cutting it was an influential part of my life. I would cut to make my emotional pain go away and only feel the Physical pain of the razor. It’s addicting. You can rely on cutting so easily. It caused severe anxiety for me because I couldn’t wear clothing that exposed my arms or legs. I was scared that if someone found out they would throw me into therapy. It made me feel worse about myself as well. It made me feel ugly. I have so many scars covering parts of my body and I can’t forget that shit anymore. It’s always there. I had to stop swimming and I couldn’t have my boyfriend hold my hand. It’s such an addictive thing as well. Cutting was my drug. I had withdrawal symptoms and at times I couldn’t deal with my sadness and I would have panic attacks because I couldn’t cut. It may have helped me with a portion of a life but it takes more of the future.

“You cut?! You have to stop. You can’t keep using your razor like that. It’s not okay ”
“Don’t you realize. I can’t stop. Saying it once won’t make it disappear tomorrow and I’ll magically stop. It’s my drug and I’m addicted. It takes away the emotions. I can’t deal with my life. I need it”

Cutting is when you Take a sharp object like a razor or safety pin to cause self harm. You don’t have to be emo to cut. Most people cut because they are depressed and it’s a coping method. It’s not something to do for attention. Cutting is serious. In my experience with cutting it was an influential part of my life. I would cut to make my emotional pain go away and only feel the Physical pain of the razor. It’s addicting. You can rely on cutting so easily. It caused severe anxiety for me because I couldn’t wear clothing that exposed my arms or legs. I was scared that if someone found out they would throw me into therapy. It made me feel worse about myself as well. It made me feel ugly. I have so many scars covering parts of my body and I can’t forget that shit anymore. It’s always there. I had to stop swimming and I couldn’t have my boyfriend hold my hand. It’s such an addictive thing as well. Cutting was my drug. I had withdrawal symptoms and at times I couldn’t deal with my sadness and I would have panic attacks because I couldn’t cut. It may have helped me with a portion of a life but it takes more of the future.

đź‘Ť25 đź‘Ž11

Cutting - what does it mean?

Half-filled cup of tea. The word is commonly used in restaurants and snack stalls across India.

After a sandwich lets grab a cutting.

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Cutting - meaning

Is the act of inflicting wounds to yourself by using a sharp object like a razor blade, small or large knife and cutting places like your arms legs thighs and wrists. Although most people think that cutting has to do with just one group of kids it doesnt it can be with any type of kid like not all emos cut some jocks may cut even cheerleaders even people who you think have a perfect life most dont just because they dont show the world how their life really is and they put on a fake persona and try to act like everything is fine doesnt men that it is. You really never know whats going on with a person unless you are them even the prettiest girl is insecure. Just because they seem like they have a perfect lifge on hhte outside you never know what can be going on in the inside the could be being abused verbally or physically and once you start it becomes an addiction and is hard to stop even if you manage to stop you still have times in your life where you want to go back to it I use to cut because of stress and depression because i had to grow up at the age of 10 and now i dont have a normal teenage life I am in love with a 26 year old and im only 16 with everything that ive put myself through i don't relate to any of my friends and cant trust them with anything. Cutting can lead to suicide or other things. Just remember it doesn't affect just you it affects everyone around especially those who care about you

Friend- wh are you cutting havent you said that you were going to stop that?

Me- yes i said i was but i can like theres no other why for me to deal right now

Friend- Doesnt it hurt?

Me- Yeah but that's the point it takes away from everything else

Friend- Do you want attention or something?

Me- No i just want it all to go away and not to have to deal naymore

đź‘Ť57 đź‘Ž21

Cutting - definition

Well, Since most of the info is covered here already, I'll recap. Sometimes the emotional pain can be too much. Sometimes you just can't cope with it all. Cutting offers a brief, if effective, relief. By causing shallow lacerations in the flesh, one releases natural endorphins into the blood which can ease pain or cause uplifting feelings. Many people who suffer from depression or single instances of strong emotional trauma resort to cutting as a way to escape the pain. Regardless of the chemical properties of self-inflicted injury, the fact of the matter is that if you have strong physical pain, then your emotional/mental stresses seem lessened due to the human brain's lack of multitasking capabilities. There are quite a few misconceptions circulating about "cutters" and the like. Many are attributed to being "emo fags," but in most cases such is not the truth. While it is true that many people in depressive moods tend to gravitate towards music that can convey the feelings that they are experiencing, Not all people who listen to such music are cutters, or even depressed. People who resort to cutting aren't "insane" or "unstable" because of this, although people who ARE unstable may cut themselves. Another misconception is that cutters are merely seeking attention. While this might be the case in some situations, it's not very common at all. Who would willingly inflict pain on themselves simply for the notice of another? People suffering from such advanced depression should not be vilified, but helped. Speaking as a cutter myself, I can say that anyone who is negative towards those with problems should take a nice big peek in the mirror and not be so quick to judge.

Me: Sometimes the pain is just too much, and I find myself cutting.

Stranger: What are you, mental? An attention whore? GET OVER YOURSELF!

Me: (///_-)

đź‘Ť111 đź‘Ž39

Cutting - slang

1. Cutting is when you use a sharp object, such as a knife or razor blade, to cut yourself.
Cutting is not a 'Fad' or a 'Fashion Statement', I have done it, it's much more.
I was bullied nearly every day and I couldn't take it. I did it because I was depressed.
It's not for attention, and it's hard to stop once you start.
2. Cutting an object, such as paper with a knife or scissors.

I'm not giving an example that relates to Cutting (def. 1), think of one yourself, you're not stupid.

The the teacher said 'Start cutting out your picture, then,' and the girl said 'Ok,' (def. 2)

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When a person (usually a teen/young adult) has difficulties in life, they may resort to cutting themselves. This is exactly how it sounds, using a sharp object - any sharp object, often - and take it to your wrist/arm and cut yourself. This action becomes addicting after a while, and gives the cutter a "rush" and often makes them feel better.

Despite what many self-indulged non-cutters may say and beleive, it is not an act of "jumping on the bandwagon" and "fake troubles". Many times it is because they are abused or suffering from depression(the freaking President's daughter can get depression! Many times it has nothing to do with your lifestyle! GOSH!)

I mean tell me something. Would YOU take a knife/razor etc. and slice your arm up JUST TO BE COOL? This is NOT a fashion statement! This is NOT just to look cool! They are DEALING WITH THEIR PROBLEMS. Please, think before you post some stupid remark like many of these are.

Cutting is dealing with your emotions, not doing what everyone else does. Youre getting it confused with Abercrombie & Fitch.

Melissa, I have to tell you something. My dad..he hits me..and I started cutting. Please don't tell anyone!

Because remember, not everything is really what it seems on the outdide. The girl next door watches her dad beat her mom every night. You don't know what goes on underneath.

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Cutting is not something a teen emo does as a trend or to get attention. It something anyone could do to deal with emotional pain such as grief, sadnes, stress, anxiety, depression and other stuff.a

Cutting can also be used by people as a punishment for themselves when they think they do something wrong.

Cutting can be done any where an a body but the most frequent places used are forearms/wrists and thighs.

Sarah mother and father have a bad relationship because of her drug addict and alcoholic father. And she's in a very rough living condition, therefore she is really sad. So she uses cutting as a way to forget about her emotions for a while and focus on the pain on her arm

đź‘Ť75 đź‘Ž21


Cutting is when a person uses any sharp object (such as a razor, or knife, anything really) to harm oneself, usually on the arms or wrists. However it goes so much deeper then that. My own experience with cutting was very complex, and confusing. I cut myself where no one would see, on my stomach and back.
Here is your handy guide to cutting, from a cutter.
Here are the things I thought at first:
1)I could do this, I could handle the pan/ it will make me stronger.
2)I felt good that I had a secret
3) it felt just so RIGHT.
Things I learned:
1) I suffer severe anxiety that someone will find out, and send me to therapy.
2) I can't go to the doctor, because the doctor will look at my stomach and see all my scars/ wounds. Think about it. What if you get sick?
3)I can't go swimming with friends. I used to love to do that.
I mean serious serous withdrawal like from a drug. I had panic attacks. In class. I silently sat there with my palms sweating, thinking i was gonna pass out
5) the fist time you have sex? How awkward will it be when he sees your scars.
you can break the cycle, and suffer withdrawal and let the scars fade, even though they will NEVER. go away. You start to live again. It was not a solution, it was the problem. You don't have to seek help, I never could, just know that you are STRONG enough to stop.

Razor: ============//___
Cutting: Sweet bliss

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