Definder - what does the word mean?

What is cheedle?

Associated Press text, photo, graphic, audio, and/or video material

this press kit is a cheedle mire

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cheedle - video


Cheedle - what is it?

A small monkey that lives in Chile. It is endangered due to the overhunting of them.

That Chilean Cheedle Monkey threw a corn at me.

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What does "cheedle" mean?

Cheedle is the substance found at the bottom of a packet of Cheeze flavour Wotsits. It is orange in colour, and gives off a strong cheeze stench.

It is also given off, by Seb aka "Cheeze" of Ropley, Hampshire, when he touches stuff.

"ah seb, you've got Cheedle all over me"

"fuck off cheeze! Now there's Cheedle everywhere."

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Cheedle - what does it mean?

A chode needle. Otherwise known as a penis wider than it is long, which grows into a needle shape.

What the bone, I think I'm getting a cheedle from staring at her nice T and A.

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Cheedle - meaning

A penis that has the width of a chode and the length of a needle-dick. Can often be found on men of African, French, or Bengali descent. It is used to excrete nitrates, via urine, synthesized in the body. Also, it acts as a implement for dispensing sperm in a female's vagina.

Damn yo, did you see that bitch Lauren? Her cheedle is HUGE!

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Cheedle - definition

A part of a woman's sexual organs. In some cultures, it is altered for woman to make sexual intercourse very painful.

Tonight, I want to lick your cheedle.

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Cheedle - slang

The cheese coating on your fingers after eating Cheetos.

Damn dude I tried to jack off earlier and forgot I just ate some Cheetos. Got Cheedle all on my dick and shit.

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The sticky orange substance that sticks to your finger tips when you eat Cheetos.

Every time I eat Cheetos, I have to lick the cheedle off of my fingers.

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any bit of cheese or cheese-type substance that drips from or falls from a food item and either gets on something or your hands and basically just gets in the way.

Dude, i got cheedle all over my fingers.

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The powdery cheese flavoring substance that sticks to your fingers by eating Cheetos.

I was eating some Cheetos and then I noticed I had cheedle all over my fingers!

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