Definder - what does the word mean?

What is chaude?

a misconcepion of the word, chode , by the nasty skank bus driver. not to be confused with chad, the homo who dropped it like its hot.....

will chaude and bob on my nob, please, report to the office!

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chaude - meme gif

chaude meme gif

chaude - video


Chaude - what is it?

steven lemercir

this chaud smokes too much weed and is drunk off da saki 24/7.

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What does "chaude" mean?

stolen, like nicked or pinched

i chaud some pens from school

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Chaude - what does it mean?

A French word for hot. It can be used to describe something hot, literally. But also something that is cool. (The word is usually used in a Dutch-speaking environment)

scen 1
A: Hey B, do you know how many degrees it will be tomorrow?
B: I don't know man, all I know, is that it's gonna be chaud.

scen 2
A: FΓͺte was wel chaud gisteren.

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Chaude - meaning

Really small and fat dick

Eugene has a massive chaud

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Chaude - definition

hot, the opposite of being cold

your girlfriend is tres chaud

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Chaude - slang

A chaud is a penis that is fatter than it is long

A penis that could be 4" long but 6" wide

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wherein the length of the male genetalia is infact of greater width than length. A real chaud, should one be so unlucky as to see one, looks remakably similiar to a hockey puck or a miniture tractor tire. Those suffering from an inwardly collapsing scrotom, must take careful measures to keep their chaud syndrome in balance. I recommend atleast 3 tablespoons of confectionary sugar daily, and as much crystal meth as one can get one's hands upon

Wow, I smoked too much meth today.

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weird, or a fob chamoru

Don't you wish your boyfriend was chaud like me?

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A Chaud Ch-aw-d, is Guam's equivalent to an American Redneck.

A type of person or lifestyle


Dude... your dad is chaud.

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