Definder - what does the word mean?

What is boya?

a way to say "fuck you hoe" or when you don't like some one

Boya you little scunt

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boya - meme gif

boya meme gif

boya - video


Boya - what is it?

To leave a party when someone feels like it's not for them.

We arrived at Jerry's and quickly decided to boota boya as quickly as possible.

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What does "boya" mean?


A phrase use by the Hilichurlian kind to denote the color "Black";

Boya denotes color and "Nunu boya" denotes black.

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Boya - what does it mean?

A term used to insult someone. Another word for gay used by people of the Virgin Islands, mostly St.Thomas USVI.

No, you're a boya don't come near me.

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Boya - meaning

in Arab language it means that a girl is acting like guys and dressing like them

hey, did u c that boya other there?

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Boya - definition

A Boya is a very cool and humorous person who is very good at art. Boya is everybody's emotional support buddy.

"Omg Boya! you should come watch my dance competition because I need you there!"

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Boya - slang

a form of greeting to a good friend normally followed with a handshake

"Boya mate (shake hands)"

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lets do some rails of boya

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To spend time in doors, with out being outside for hours on end, smoking pot and playing video games.

He didnt want to leave Brampton ' cause he is pulling a boya

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