Definder - what does the word mean?

What is bowned?

Same meaning and function as the word own, only in a more powerful, satirical manner. Used only when the utmost owning has occured. Can also be put to use in its past/present tense: bowned.

"Son, you better quit before I bown you."
DragonLord, the uber L337, just got bowned by a newb at counterstrike!

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bowned - meme gif

bowned meme gif

bowned - video


Bowned - what is it?

To be down bad.

Isaiah was bown after taking 200mg of edibles.

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What does "bowned" mean?

Bowned: A combination of getting both owned and boned at the same time.

YOU JUST GOT BOWNED, like your mom last night.

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Bowned - what does it mean?

The bass when plucked makes a sound that is low. It sounds like "bown"

The song went bown bowwn

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Bowned - meaning

Getting owned during sex.

Raph: Apparentley he pulled out his slong and stabbed her in the eye with it
Liam: Poor bitch got bowned

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Bowned - definition

A word to used when a person wants (mostly their partner) to come crawling back to them.

Girlfriend: Pay my taxes, NOW!
Boyfriend: Do you want me crawling bown to you?

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Bowned - slang

1-a guy on the man time podcast
2-the name you say to applaud someone

bing:i have listened to every episode of man time
everyone: wooo! well done bown!

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I was tired of saying OWNED! so i decided to add a letter, a B!. Its uzed the same as owned.

(counter strike head shot iconsin upper right of screen: leet mofo is my user name)

Leet Mofo-:)Haxor el planet
Leet Mofo-:)Fug Joo
Leet Mofo-:)Momzor

Terrorists Win

Leet Mofo:BOWNED!!!!111
fat dick:nice

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Having your penis owned by a bitch.
AKA: gettin a boner from a bitch you didnt want

Ron: I didnt wanna have sex with this bitch grenade but then she gave me a lap dance, I got a boner, and one thing led to another...
Eddie: Dude, you just got BOWNED!!

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Receiving an injury to your penis (having your "boner" get "owned", hence the word) Also spelled as bown3d, bpwned, or bpwm3d. Exclamation points/ ones can also be added.

Not to be confused with getting boned, which is much more pleasent.

When spoken, stress of the "w" sound is used to avoid such confusion.

(Man 1 gets kneed in the nuts by a woman)
Man 2: "Dude, you just got bowned!"

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