Definder - what does the word mean?

What is blc?

Bad Life Choice

That ONS was such a fun BLC.

I was way overserved on Don Julio last night... what a BLC!

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blc meme gif

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Blc - what is it?

Big Lightskin Cock - for all the black men that reject and are prejudice against their own blackness and want to differentiate that they are lightskin black men with big cocks.

"I got a BLC for you baby"
"What's a BLC? lol"
"Big Lightskin cock!"
"Oh I thought it meant Big Latin Cock"
"Nah, I'm black, I'm just lightskin, I ain't like those other fools"

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What does "blc" mean?

A reputedly large herd of herbivorous animals that grazes the underground pastures of Robinson Hall. In the early years of their formation, BLC "hung out" on the back left corner (BLC) of a certain bridge, hence their christening. BLC are neither feared nor hated, but merely left alone to chew their cud and play chill music. They are widely thought to be a large herd, but in reality core BLC consists of four or five alpha males and a rotating cast of mates. They have a unique reputation and are all as close to each other as Frodo to Samwise. Their only natural predators are the dashing, august creatures known as the FSU gang.

Hey man, wanna go chill with BLC?
Nah, man, let's not hang with BLC; I've heard enough Jack Johnson this week.

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Blc - what does it mean?

"BLC" est une abreviation de "bas les couilles" qui signifie s'en foutre oui "don't care" en anglais

Erwan: T'as regardΓ© le match d'hier soir ?
Alexis: Non je m'en blc du foot.

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Blc - meaning

An acronym for the upcoming MOBA genre game, Bloodline Champions.

Guy1: Oh, I heard of a new MOBA game coming out?
Guy2: Another? What's it called?
Guy1: Oh, Bloodline Champions, or BLC for short.

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Blc - definition

blond lesbian coalition

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Blc - slang

An abbreviation for the Jamaican word β€œbloodclaat”

I hate school dawg, I can’t even focus on my blc work. smh

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big latino cock. used when a latino guy has a cock 9" inches or bigger.

That BLC was too thick for him to take up his ass.

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The airport code abbreviation for blackout city.

The non-stop flight to BLC is departing Steve's house at 9:57 pm. All tickets are non-refundable.

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Big Latin Cock. Usually found in good looking spanish guys with a penis 9'' inches or bigger. They are usually the best ones in bed and most romantic. 78% of girls agree that spanish men are best in bed.

She had sex with this spanish guy that had a blc.

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