Definder - what does the word mean?

What is aviana?

very short, intelligent, fun, loving, and spicy girl. loves to have fun and do rebellious things, but doesnโ€™t get the chance to a lot. really introverted when you first meet her, but becomes a total confident and loud extrovert when you become close! loves to draw and run. loves to take care of people and make sure everyone is ok, sometimes a mom of the group. aviana falls in love easily, and will probably get herself into relationship drama often. avianaโ€™s first kiss will probably be the one she marries.

aviana is so short, i could practically use her as an arm stand.

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aviana - meme gif

aviana meme gif

aviana - video


Aviana - what is it?

amazing my heart animal lover funny beautiful intelligent

Aviana is thee MOST amazing, insanely intelligent, beyond beautiful and generously kind girl I know!

Aviana is the beat to my heart and she will effortlessly fulfill each and every heart of everyone she meets with joy, love and laughter.

Aviana is an animal lover who loves and tends to all animals but she is mostly distant and doesnโ€™t close with people.

Aviana has an abundant amount of patience but be prepared if you cross her line ... her fun and addicting company, along with her funny personality will be replaced with a packed punch.

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What does "aviana" mean?

hot asf and gives the best head known to man. good at literally everything. big tits.

Hi aviana!!!

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Aviana - what does it mean?

Aviana is a funny, smart girl. She loves playing soccer and loves her dogs. She is an animal lover, and she loves crocs. She likes sports, movies, and Doritos. She also likes call of duty and other awesome games. She really enjoys her best friend, as well. She doesnโ€™t need to be named, for the name comes to mind. Sheโ€™s hilarious, fun, and smart. Sheโ€™s clever and catchy. Everyone loves Aviana.

Aviana is so good at Call of Duty.
Aviana is so funny.
Aviana is a joy.

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Aviana - meaning

The sweetest girl in the world, tall asf, really hot. She has a fat ass and likes to play sports she falls in love fast. Aviana does not date a lot of guy because she is scared to get her heart broken. She loves her friends more then words can explain. Aviana is really loyal to everyone. If you ever get the chance to be Avianaโ€™s friend, be her friend forever.

Aviana is always hot asf

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Aviana - definition

a sweetheart with an aggressive side. Doesn't like drama at all. hot as fuck. the nicest girl you'll ever meet. You'll want her ass.

boy 1: hey, did you see aviana's ass last night. damnn
boy 2: yeah. i felt it too when she was pulling my hair makingout with me.

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Aviana - slang

Quiet with most people.
Doesnโ€™t like that many people.
Trust issues!

Iโ€™m in the Aviana stage of life.

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She the best

She is amazing
I can't imagine life without her

If I could be with her I would treat her like she was a queen

She is gorgeous

She is the reason why she puts a smile on my face

And I love her with all of my heart

That girl over there is the best and amazing. That's Aviana for you!

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