Definder - what does the word mean?

What is aneta?

Love od Oliver

Hey I'm Aneta And I love Oliver

👍25 👎11

aneta - meme gif

aneta meme gif

aneta - video


Aneta - what is it?

on je 🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🙋 ♀️🙋 ♀️

hele aneta 🇩🇪
ahoj anet 🙋 ♀️🙋 ♀️

👍27 👎13

What does "aneta" mean?

When someone is kinky and likes pain. But only from person that she love.

“Oh my god, i love pain i am such a dirty Aneta.”


girl: “Baby can you slap me please?”
man: “Yeah i can my dirty Aneta.”

👍25 👎11

Aneta - what does it mean?

Doing sth that brings no success / impossible to accomplish

- This Friday I have an exam with Professor Nowak. I have a feeling I will pass it.
- Passing? With Professor Nowak? You are calling Aneta.

👍33 👎13

Aneta - meaning

The most beautiful girl. An amazing human being. She will always cheer u up when u need it most. She makes an incredible girlfriend. She isn't quick to anger. She isn't quick to judge. She isn't quick to assume. She debates with a mind open to change and admits when she is wrong. She can laugh at herself and does so often. She truly is a unique beauty in a sea of ordinary. She smiles and everyone melts. She is a light in this world and will forever change the people she meets. She is fierce and determined.She is that type of friend that is always there for you.
She is the best.

Jake: OMG, WHO is that??
Alicia: That is the most amazing girl ever, Aneta.

👍25 👎11

Aneta - definition

I’m really beautiful person

Yes, I’m Aneta

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Aneta - slang

a friendly, adorable, beautiful girl with a good heart


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A beautiful girl who is an amazing lover. Worth everything in the world. Do not loose an Aneta

Damn Aneta get cha fine ass over here

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Need something. I want something. I want that.

Yo B whatchu be needing?
Yo, aneta that ASSSSSSS.

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