Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ZeE?

sleep nap get some sleep

i'm gonna catch some zees i.e. i,m going to get some sleep

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ZeE - meme gif

ZeE meme gif

ZeE - video


ZeE - what is it?

A zee is someone you can always trust. If you’re feeling down or sad he’ll always be there for you. Zee is drop dead gorgeous and has an amazing body and is very athletic. He’s rarely indoors and spends most of his times with his friends. He is also very caring and loving and doesn’tlike to express himself but has deep feelings, especially of love.

Yo is that Zee? I’d totally want to be around you!

Hey zee want to go get some coffee?

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What does "ZeE" mean?

Zee is my best friend. I doubt I even had a best friend before her.
She knows almost every thing about me.

I thank God for her, I thank God she came along. Maybe one day she won't be in my life anymore, but I'll always be thankful she was.

- nounounounounounou
- ik
- lo3l
- tasic
- Zee loves me, and I love her
- yass
- hehes are weird

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ZeE - what does it mean?

dazzling looks and influential personality

he's so totally zee!

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ZeE - meaning

Zee is a gender neutral nickname (or even chosen name) that can be abbreviated to just "Z" (if you don't live in the UK, that is).

Person 1: Hey, do you know Zee?
Person 2: Yeah! They're a pretty cool person, no cap!

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ZeE - definition

someone who has a beautiful heart and soul. someone who deserves the whole world. they’re funny and kind and smart and just so perfect.

person1: omg is ur name zee? wow ur literally so cool i actually love u sm

person2: no way ur telling me ur names zee?!! i hope that u have a fantastic day : )

person3: damn ur names zee😏 I LITERALLY LOVE U AHEMπŸ’₯πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’₯πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’πŸ’₯

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ZeE - slang

you zee something when you think you’re gonna fail but end up getting 80+

Anxious Son: β€œmom i didn’t study for my exam i’m gonna fail πŸ˜”β€
Mom: β€œDon’t worry honey, you’re a genius i’m sure you’re gonna zee it”

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1.n God, or one who is like a god in a certain way. Somewhat like the Zee from the N Room.

"Holy fucking shit zee pwnz" "Yeah man I know zee kicks my ass =("

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Don't put up with any bullshit & will smack df outta somebody if they talking funny, period!

My name is Zee.

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the definition of zee zee is to slap the shat outta yo teacher or mother on october 1st!

holly crap it’s zee zee day!

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