Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Yock?

Big and buff; having muscles that are visually protruding out of the skin; swoll; being so big that people look at you and the first thing they think is, damn that guy is big

"Woah broseph, did you peep that nip slip on that piece of tail over there?"
"Nah homeboy, I was too busy thinking how I wanna look like her yocked boyfriend. If I get yocked like him, I'll be able to see nips of that nature on the reg."

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Yock - meme gif

Yock meme gif

Yock - video


Yock - what is it?

in Co. Donegal a yock can be any of the following
A Car
A Lorry
A Trailer
A Tractor
A Motorbike
A Scooter
A Bicycle
A Quad
A Scrambler
A Girl that is a bit of a slut (See Mad Yock)

by jesus sir that is a quer yock you have there (Refering to a fancy car or a modified car, i.e. a corsa with a body kit and an 5 inch exhaust on it)

That Mary is a bit of a Yock, she only called off her engagement last week and now she has a new boyfriend.

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What does "Yock" mean?

noun-Romany(Gypsy)word-It means eyes

The water in the swimming pool burned my yocks.

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Yock - what does it mean?

meaninq wack or borinq

yo that arty last nitee wasz yock

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Yock - meaning

Another word for um hairy boy

yock is like a monkey

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Yock - definition

(noun) another term for McDonald's, YockDonald's is also an acceptable usage

Guy 1: Yo im so hungry bro
Guy 2: Tryna hit up some yock?
Guy 1: Yes brother I could smash some yock nugs.

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Yock - slang

A well dressed man with a luxurious attitude. A smooth dresser, suave, dapper.

โ€œJimmy was a yock. His everyday clothes were better than our best outfits.โ€

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To be knocked out

Oi c**t! Did you just get yocked?

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another word for vagina

She flashed her yock at me.

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A ugly bitch/nigga

โ€œbro that bitch is mad yockkโ€
โ€œI do NOT want that bitch sheโ€™s mad yock๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎโ€

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