Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Who Do?

A phrase used to denote a name which the speaker has forgotten... usually the tag for someone else to help him or her out on the name. Similar in meaning to whatzis.

You, know that new kid... um... who-di-do. Whatzis name?

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Who Do - video


Who Do - what is it?

Kreskin=famous mind reader

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What does "Who Do" mean?

A term used in the jhon legend song greenlight by andre 3000, meaning who do you think i am.

Who do you think i are? the kind you find in a bar? come home with me lets blow this nigga factory.

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Who Do - what does it mean?

what you say when a baby rudely tries to get into a party they were not invited to.

*sees baby*

β€œWho do you know here, Baby?”

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Who Do - meaning

β€œwho do you feel like” is a slang term expressed by certain individuals when referring to someone who exhibits arrogant or braggadocious behaviour. (β€œwho do you feel like” can also be expressed with more specific terms like β€œwho does this guy feel like” or β€œwho does this girl feel like”).

Person 1: I’m telling you bro, back in my heyday before I had that knee injury I could’ve easily taken Usain Bolt in a race!
Person 2: Nahhhh who do you feel like bro

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Who Do - definition

That nigga you talk to babymomma

Her:Who do you talk to?

Me:That Nigga you talk to babymomma

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Who Do - slang

Rhetorical question lead, used to express frustration at an inability to find someone who can assist with a problem. Often used in Customer Service or workplace settings.

Who do I have to blow to cancel this internet service?

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Who Do

A term used by gangbangers to determine the gang affiliation of a Homie.

Interrogator: "Who do you claim?"
Subject: "I claim the (insert gang name here)

Interrogator: "bro you be sicon the wrong turf

gunfire sirens
Candlelight service
Lamentations and salutations

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Who Do

1) Words used to enter or reenter a conversation in which a portion has been missed due to spacing off or physical absence.

2) A method for asking someone to repeat them self.

Person one in the middle of a conversation:
...or it wont work right.

Who do what?

Person one repeating:
The batteries have to go in with the label facing out or it wont work right.

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Who Do

yet another A derrogatory slur for a person of African descent

man I stay outa the south east, too many who do, spook's using black arts cause warts on northerners.
Isa itichie enough allready....

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