Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Vivan?

The coolest geri you will EVER meet. She is handsome, sensitive and really funny. She loves memes and to be znabb with her friends. Also a real Vivan vaktar orten everyday.

Omg Vivan you are the coolast person i know! You slay!

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Vivan - meme gif

Vivan meme gif

Vivan - video


Vivan - what is it?

a heterosexual (male) plant that should not be shipped with lesbians because that is homophobic

"vivan" idk man just don't use it in a sentence

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What does "Vivan" mean?

A Prick that needs to kill themselves the fat shit should die in a fire. They try to workout however they eat so much the exercise is more or less coming from his gigantic mouth!

"vivan" or "cunt"

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Vivan - what does it mean?

Vivan is a very confident person. She likes to believe the best in people and is in denial about those who are negative in her life. She’s very loud and outspoken. She can come off as nice and hella relatable but can be a total bitch.

Vivan likes bagels

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Vivan - meaning

Vivan means the cutest sexiest hottest person. He makes any girl wet who comes within 10 km with a snap. He is the representative of the word amazing. His sexiness defines his aura. He is so hot like girls follow him begging for his banana. He is the guy who is the god of Hotness

Yesterday, I saw Vivan at the supermarket, and he snapped and I couldn't be anymore wet. I just wanted his hot piercing 😩 big boy inside me

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Vivan - definition

A guy with a really humongous penis.

Holy, He's a Vivan, mmm.

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Vivan - slang

Vivans, often known as "BIG V's" are some of the most powerful and jacked up beings in the universe. These individuals often possess a strength higher than that of the most powerful fard eating monkes. If you see a Vivan, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE because if you're facing one of the strongest people west of the mississipi (such as Big V) alone, you have no chance. Vivan's are also capable of doing 50000000 pushups without even breaking a sweat somehow. Why? Who knows.

Fred: Yo did you see Big V destroy Joe yesterday?
Jimmy: nah man i didnt see him. I did see Vivan do an insane amount of pushups tho
Fred: damn, just remember to be careful around that kid, he could kill you with his pinky

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Vivan is a very smart amazing kid. Elon Musk was quoted saying "I love Vivan, Vivan is one of my biggest inspiration" Vivan has been feature on many of the biggest website. He even has his own giant YouTube channel. He even received a Oscar in 2016.

Vivan is very smart

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Vivan is a very nice man, he's sweet kind and generous. He's incredibly sexy. He is really kind, makes friends easily and is full of life. He has girls going crazy for him, but he has no idea. If you get a chance to ask him out, do it!

Wow, that guy looks hot, he must be a Vivan!

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