Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Verty?

When you’re so rich you don’t have to look at the price tag.

Yo look at Bob, he’s just buying everything he sees. He’s so verty.

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Verty - meme gif

Verty meme gif

Verty - video


Verty - what is it?

When you shit take a shit but the turd stands straight up. Short for β€œvertical turd”

I just shit out verty turdy and it was touching the rim of the bowl!

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What does "Verty" mean?

An apartment building for those who aren't quite ready to graduate to a trailer.

The verti-park doesn't allow dogs or BBQ's so we're moving into a trailer as soon as Bob's worker's compensation comes in.

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Verty - what does it mean?

A bitch with hella round eyeballs

Damn son, look at them Verti-grapes!

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Verty - meaning

A common denominator of a peculiar term of events once, formed during once’s ramdom conversation on a road trip from one of the Uks largest docks. Now a trademark named apparel company trading in the southwest.

Is one feeling dizzy? Do you have vertigo or has one got verti-goat

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Verty - definition

an alcoholic weirdo who suppository smokes weed and drinks lean

im going to smoke lil uzi verti up

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Verty - slang

a broken down, ugly or extremely shabby looking apartment building. Often used in downtown Toronto

Man... check out that verti-ghetto!

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Verty means the same thing as very but when you use verty instead you are very swag😎.

I am Verty excited for school to start

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Verty is someone very very cool, stan verty, even tho she's horny 24/7

Person: ;Verty; sucks, fuck her
A verty stan: Ok *runs them over*

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A type of person who just doesn't know...

Ohh I dunno... - Said The Verty

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