Definder - what does the word mean?

What is VICARY?

Awesome Foursome:
Fahmi on Kelvin on Vicary on Bernard.
This weird yet highly gay mating ritual takes place every time the Fahmi gets horny over the Kelvin; which is actually everyday. The sex that goes on between these four fags is remarkable as all have penises on their heads; often attracting the collective nickname "A bunch of dickheads". They mate and the product is a combination of Fahmi Kelvin and Bernard whilst vicary is only there for sexual stimulation.

One day Bernard, Fahmi, Kelvin and Vicary were riding a donkey near Osama's donkey ranch. Upon riding past a bunch of dirty arabs attempting to bomb some place in the name of Allah; the dirtiest most arabest one muttered something and all the Arabs laughed. 1 km later; Fahmi and Bernard (after mating on that very donkey) came off and looked at the donkey's ass (not another one of their weird mating rituals however); vicary noticed the two fags looking at the donkey's ass and questioned them. "Why are you looking at that donkey's asshole" she said, he mouth dripping with saliva as she saw Bernards 1mm erect penis. "Why love', he replied; equally as horny over her massive whale boobs "as we passed those sexy arabs I heard one of them murmur: "Look at those 4 assholes on that donkey".

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VICARY - meme gif

VICARY meme gif

VICARY - video


VICARY - what is it?

Obsessed with meat pies, favourite pastimes include raping retarded and mentally and physically demented humans, such as Nick Sell and Ananden. These two guys she rapes with a vengeance. Wonder why Ananden is so short? He gets rammed by her up the arse so many times he gets smaller and smaller after every 'encounter'. From experiences of victims, she hates Azn men, she's like 'fuck you! stop taking over! i want meatpies not fucking sweet and sour pork!' She hangs pictures of John Howard at the back of her classroom, where she wanks off to it. You wanna know how I know? Simple, it's what causes earthquakes and tsunamis. Beware, children, beware.

Look!!! It's a meatpie!!! Fetch!!!

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What does "VICARY" mean?

-a large, sexy, hairy beast that is exceptionally good at basketball.
-a large mammal, close to the gorilla, but bigger.
- a sex tornado on ice
- a sex move that involves impregnating a women by catching her in a massive tangle of hair and ripping her vag apart with your "tree trunk"
- the human equivalent to a deracho

you were just destroyed by that vicari

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VICARY - what does it mean?

When you vicariously take a vacation. You can imagine yourself being somewhere else or follow an actual friend or other persons vacation. The vicariation has to be fully fleshed out, not just an idea of one or a fragment of what you might do.

Your friend goes to Aruba and you follow them on facebook or pictures via phone or email. You experience a vicariation by keeping up with all the happenings.

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VICARY - meaning

Very RaNdOm Hip Hop RaP By M3H

The Vicary Shop

Iโ€™ll take you to the vicary Shop (violin part)
she make u lick her mamaโ€™s cock (violin part)
Sheโ€™ll say oh god doenโ€™t you stop until u hit 69 flabs (violin part)

You can hav it your way ms Vicary fast and hard then Iโ€™ll be juliet & u can be the romeo (violin part)

I take you to the Vicary shop (violin part)
She make you lick her fat dadโ€™s small cock (violin part)
(violin part) o god o godโ€ฆ. o god o god โ€ฆ..wonโ€™t u stop until your hitlerโ€™s dog (violin part)
now she desperateโ€ฆโ€ฆ (violin part) 4 Richard Chen (violin part)
I said Okay Then (violin part)
She said I see u 2mmorow 9 to 10 (violin part) (violin part)

L8tr on I saw her fuk this richard chen (violin part)
He looks like a Koala (violin part)
But koala are cute arenโ€™t they ? (violin part)

M3H is kool M3H loves you nicolette Vermulan* (random Hip Hop By Djmax AKA M3H)

More like a hippo With a ummmโ€ฆ. Some 1 from the fab 5? (violin part) (violin part)

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VICARY - definition

-=ChEcK oUt WhAt Me AnD tHe BoYs DiD in my rap band=-

''i'll take u to vicary!
she make her touch her bub!
She say oh god don't stop until u hit 69 stops''

thank u 50 cent 4 ur song 'Candy Shop'

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VICARY - slang

The vicary is a terrible creature, alive since the jurassic period. it resembles a large wrinkly lump of shit, and some theorize that she once had a mate. (see Bernard Nagaweeweeblahblah) Their offspring was a terrible being, thought to be similar to a slug in appearance. (see Ben Sweetman)

There's vicary, better cover your crotch.

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the most biggest fattest disgusting fat dwarf u see in your ages she h8'z americans because they always shuve pencils up her half opened ass while shes eating mc nuggets!!!!!!!!!

(fat) (matt tysoe 4 ms vicary lolz...)

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Experienced through someone else's actions by way of imagination.

Great literature broadens our minds by giving us vicarious participation in the lives of other people.

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1. To experience something through watching another's activities.

2. A great song by Tool, where in it the lead singer Maynard says that he is Vicarious because by watching people die, he himself can feel death.

1. I watched people sky-diving and felt a vicarious rush of excitment.

2. When I went to a Tool concert they played Vicarious.

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