Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Fahmi?

He is a handsome guy .
He could be romantic or funny person .
When he started loving someone , he will always caring about her quietly .
He likes to sleep everywhere and didn't care about what other people say
He could be a shy person when he with the person that he likes

Fahmy is a loving person

👍33 👎13

Fahmi - meme gif

Fahmi meme gif

Fahmi - video


Fahmi - what is it?

coolest cat on the block.

Fahmy is the coolest.

👍37 👎15

What does "Fahmi" mean?

A person who microwaves their cereal

Somali guy: Yo i love microwaving my milo
Other somali guy: ur like fahmy

👍25 👎11

Fahmi - what does it mean?

Fahmie is a guy that you don't want to messing around. He is very strong and kind person but he can easily get mad. He also a sharing person and selfless to everyone. His handsomeness and manliness makes girls very easy to fall in loves with him. And if you the lucky girl he choose, he will love you like you never been loved before and always try to express his love into your heart.

Person 1 : that guy sitting over there is fahmie, he is very sweet guy.

Person 2 : yeah, i agree that.

👍85 👎17

Fahmi - meaning

The wise trustable guy

The handsome guy

The Selfless guy
The always positive guy

Your acting fahmy today

👍101 👎19

Fahmi - definition

Someone who is always pessimistic and emo about every situation. A person who brings you and others down with their negative thoughts.

Sarah said: My life sucks, my boyfriend just dumped me.
Tasha said: Your sucha fahmi!

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Fahmi - slang

A tall African guy who is in love with a girl who is not feeling him at all. He wants to become a doctor. He is kind if cute and have charisma.

Tasnim! you better accept fahmi or you will regrate it for the rest of your life.

👍97 👎183


Always broken heart and left by his girlfriend and hard to move on

Move on fahmi.. you deserve better than that :)

👍33 👎21


A man who is very smart but lazy and opportunistic. He can be an undefeatable human being if he wants it and he gets the conditions for it.

I don't want to fight with Fahmi.

👍25 👎13


A handsome Malay-Borneo man

You are handsome like Fahmi

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