Definder - what does the word mean?

What is VACHINA?

Stems from the word vagina and the South African colloquial term 'china' meaning 'friend'.

A term used to describe two very close females, usually bestfriends who if were lesbian, would have the greatest relationship ever.

Similar to manpanions and bumchums in the case of guy bestfriends.

Robyn is the best friend that Kirstyn could ever have imagined and therefore is Kirstyn's vachina.

Kirstyn: Do you wana be my vachina forever?
Robyn: ah man I was about to ask you the same thing!

Paul: Dude, are those chicks lesbians over there?
Tom: No ways man they're vachinas
Paul: oh yeah, yr right how could i have been so ignorant

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VACHINA - video


VACHINA - what is it?

An Chinese woman's pussy.
According to myth, a Chinese woman's vaginal slit is not horizontal it's vertical as to match their eyes.

The Chinese woman's pussy is a vachina.

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What does "VACHINA" mean?

a Chinese woman's vagina

yo dawg, did you see that vachina i got last night?

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VACHINA - what does it mean?

a Chinese vagina

Anthony has a kawaiivachina.
Ling Ling has a vachina

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VACHINA - meaning

the Greek word for a Vagina so volumous that all of China can fit into its abyss.

Dude, Natasha's Vagina was so much bigger that an elephant-cow, it was a freakin' VACHINA!

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VACHINA - definition

A piece of china that resembles a vulva (aka vagina). The most common type referenced in a mcm Facebook group seems to be white milk glass with a gold beaded edge.

I found a huge blue vachina at Salvation Army for $2.99!

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VACHINA - slang

A vagina with a high occupancy level or large population. Also, a very large vagina.

That chick sleeps with everyone. she has a vachina.

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Where babies are made. Almost China but not. VaChina.

Where did you get that baby?

Oh from VaChina.

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A Chinese vagina.

I think I'm heading to Ming's Whorehouse to get me some of that mean vachina.

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chinese pussy

This transfer student let me eat her vachina.

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