Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Unisexual?

A person whose personality and/or features attract both men and women, regardless of sexual orientation. Often in a class of their own.

Bro: "See that girl over there? Damn I want her."
Gay Chick: "One night is all it would take..."
Chick: "I'd go gay for her."

Everybody wants her. She's unisexually appealing.

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Unisexual - video


Unisexual - what is it?

One who is not heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual. This person is what they call fun, and will try anything once.

"When I was with her, she tried everything at least once. She told me she was uni."

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What does "Unisexual" mean?

Person who only "does" themself.

"She's not bisexual or heterosexual. She only does herself which makes her unisexual".

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Unisexual - what does it mean?

To not like either gender but wouldn't reject someone who asked them out.

I saw this unisexual girl this other day. I felt bad for her.

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Unisexual - meaning

Male and female together as one gender.

While hermaphroditism speaks to the outward appearance of both male and female sex organs, Unisexuality is more about both genders existing at once in the same person.

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Unisexual - definition

A person who has had sex with only one person, ever.

Sherri is not a 64 year old virgin, she is a unisexual. She's only had sex with one person her entire life.

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Unisexual - slang

Word to describe yourself when you are feeling in need of a sexual and or romantic relationship. Most commonly used when referring a want to be with one of the opposite sex.
Similar to "Horny," However unisexual is used when you are not in direct contact with a person who could be of romantic/sexual interest to you.

Girl who has no boyfriend to friend: "You and (boyfriend) are so good together. I feel so unisexual!"

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When you tear your penis off and putt it in your own ass

Dude your unisexual

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