Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Ugis?

ugliest girl in school

she is ugis!

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Ugis - meme gif

Ugis meme gif

Ugis - video


Ugis - what is it?

Ugi = Ok

β€žU wanna chill today?β€œ


πŸ‘29 πŸ‘Ž13

What does "Ugis" mean?

ugly girl or boy.

i was going to make out with this boy but all my friends said he was ugie in other words he is not cute.

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Ugis - what does it mean?

acronym for ugliest girl in school

from sinjin drowning

dude that girl on omegle is the ugis πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„

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Ugis - meaning

When you don’t know the answer

-what’s the answer to number 8?
-ugy idk

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Ugis - definition

the ugliest girl in school

dam that girl has got to be ugis

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Ugis - slang

noun ~
(1) to have sex; to engage in sexual intercourse

The man and the woman ugi every night.

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Ugliest Girl In School

Did you hear? Jason called you UGIS...

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Ugis meaning ugliest girl in school
made popular by the show pen15.

do you see chloe? she’s so ugis

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Ugly Gettin It Sucked

That ugis is gettin it tonight!

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