Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Token black?

The one black guy in a group of white people who hangs out with them to make the white people look cool while in reality is with them so he can smash as many white girls as possible cuz we all know they give crazy blowjobs.

White Friend : OK ill see u tomorrow dawg! (Goes to give dap)
Token: Ok, (gives dap, walks away)
Token: I fucking hate these people! If i wasnt getting so much head i would snuff all these assoles!

👍1357 👎1179

Token black - video


Token black - what is it?

A black (African-American) female with no defining character qualities that is added to the cast of a movie or television show to appear diverse.
They will notably have few lines and appear only a few times in the show.

Will sometimes have a catchphrase or quirk to give the character some resemblance of a personality.

You may notice at times the character will not even be given a name (although the actor will still be credited.)

The character Marsha from the American sitcom The Brady Bunch had a token black girl as a friend, if you blinked you might have missed it.

👍155 👎37

What does "Token black" mean?

First person to die in every movie, usually in the first 5 minutes

Jefferson is dead!

👍1185 👎403

Token black - what does it mean?

The lonley black guy in a big budget movie, who's sole purpose is to represent the "brothas" and say stuff like "dope", "yo", "what's up" and other words associated with :)

Every teen movie has em.

In scream3, Deon Richmond who played Tyson Fox was one.

👍1275 👎373

Token black - meaning

In reference to the only african american in a group of friends.
similar phrases
token white friend
token asian friend get the point

(Brad) Hi Stephani
(Stephani) Hello Brad whose this?
(Brad) oh Im sorry this is my buddy DeShawn
(Deshawn) Whatsup girl!

....DeShawn is the token black friend

👍239 👎63

Token black - definition

The african american youth in teen films who merely smiles,stays out of the conversation and says things like "Damn!","Shit!",and "That is WHACK!"

Token Black Guy: Damn dat shit was whack!

👍4183 👎619

Token black - slang

a black guy in movies who has no role except to stand around and be black

person A:''Is Token from South Park a token black guy?''
person B:''Ironically,he's not.He actually has a major role in some episodes.''

👍407 👎41

Token black

Any fictional character of African-American descent that has been inconsequently inserted into the plot a movie or TV show for the express purposes of creating an image of commercially safe, politically correct, and insipid racial harmony. In eras gone by the token black guys would be the first characters to be killed off. This phenomena of commercial cinema and television that would sacrifice the quality of their storytelling for the sake of attempting the impossible act of offending absolutely nobody, is succinctly satirized by the aptly named south park character, Token.

Token from south park, Charley in the TV show Friends.

Any black character in any movie that is neither the protagonist nor antagonist, is unimportant to the plot and does not significantly contribute to it, preferably dies before the end, usually does not end up with the girl. sometimes is the sidekick if the role is unimportant enough, and is very often comic relief (often in stereotype-enforcing manner).

👍3111 👎313

Token black

The famous and lovable token black character from the hit satire tv show South Park

Clyde: "What vice did you see on the videotape, Talangar? Is it the work of Sauron's magic?" Token returns to the table and places the tape there
Token Black: "I'm not playing anymore." walks off
Stan: steps forward "Uh well wait, what'd you see?"
Token: stops and turns "I don't know, I don't wanna know. I'm out." claps his hands, then walks back into the house, sliding the door open and closed. The boys look on
Randy: "Yes... uh... you see Token, that was called a pornographic film. Uh, it shows adult men and adult women having sexual intercourse." Token does not respond, but instead continues to stare blankly "You see when a- when a man and woman are in love, the man puts his penis into a woman's vagina. It's called love making, and its part of being in love." There is a long pause before Token at last speaks
Token: And when a woman has four penises in her at the same time. Then stands over the men and pees on them, is that part of being in love too? Five midgets. Spanking a man. Covered in thousand island dressing. Is that making love?"
Mr. Black: "Jesus! What kind of porno was that?!"
Gerald: "Back-Door Sluts 9"
Mr. Black: "Oh Jesus! Not that one!"

👍115 👎23

Token black

a black male or female used by major media to create the illusion of diversity

Hey Epstein, don't forget the token black in the dance routine for the video. You know what kind of problems that could cause

👍487 👎67