Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Tiarra?

a girl who loves sipping chocolate milk and oscar the grouch. She is in love with her mormon girlfriend, cynthiazya, and loves nsync... only the first cd, of course.

holy cow! that tiarra girl is way bad! she is soo phat and has a nice round, bubbly @$$!!!! I think I am in love with that chica.

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Tiarra - meme gif

Tiarra meme gif

Tiarra - video


Tiarra - what is it?

Penile decoration of a submissive female often performed by very well endowed dominant male 'studs' in porn films after first copiously ejaculating over said female's slutty face. Done usually to allow a souvenir photo to be taken for both parties and sometimes display on the DVD boxcover. The now soft but still huge 'todger' of the standing stud is triumphantly curved over the forehead of the kneeling cum-splattered slut to form a fetching 'tiarra': a fitting crown for any wannabe porn princess! The stud gains satisfaction from displaying his prowess and sexual power, the lucky slut gets to show off to her friends and family that she's been used by a much sought-after well hung 'trophy' stud. The Todge Tiarra is THE latest penile headgear choice of any ambitious slut who wants to show off her sexual appeal and willingness to be sexually used and degraded for the sole pleasure of oversexed dominant hung males.

Now catching on in the wider world as many guys after fucking fine hos want to keep a handy record of their latest conquest: simply capture the Todge Tiarra (TT) in all its glory by taking a cellphone camera snap after gleefully shooting your load! Collecting TT pics is the new 'in'sport of the modern hung stud!

Yo Dawg, we damn near cut this hot white skank in half! DPing this dirty bitch was the bomb! Now lets glaze her dumbass cute teenage mug like a fuckin' donut and give her a wicked Todge Tiarra to show our homies what a fine piece of fine blond ho we scored tonite! Get yer cell readyfor the TT, Dawg, I'm gonna blow my swollen nuts so nasty, gonna force this skank's eyeballs into the back of her bimbo skull!

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What does "Tiarra" mean?

1) one of the kewlest girls on the face of this earth DUH!!
2) person who is really gewd at guitar and soccer.

dude #1: "hey man do you know that tiarra ivazes girl?"
dude #2: "no"
dude#1: "dude man, if you don't then you're just a retard."

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Tiarra - what does it mean?

Tiarra is a beautiful person. Her soul is so pure and sweet. She is nice to everyone unless you mess with her. She stands up for what she believes in. You would extremely lucky to have a Tiarra as your best friend. Shes a sporty girl and will kick your butt in soccer. Shes very strong and confident but never arrogant. Overall Tiarra is probably the best person you will ever meet in your life.

Shes such a Tiarra, you're so lucky.

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Tiarra - meaning

Tiarra is a thug ass bitch. Her pussy is power. and her ass is the the fattest. She's like a 21 savage type bitch. They ask her Tiarra why do you play with these fuck boys hearts. And she replies... Because these niggas pussy and she's hard.

Damn G that's Tiarra

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Tiarra - definition

the hottest piece of an oreo someone has ever seen.

look at tht girl "Tiarra" she da bomb
do u know her
No! but look at her

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Tiarra - slang

tiarra is a super cool funny girl. even tho sometimes she’ll never belive in herself u see it. shes amazing and beautiful in her own ways. theres no one like her. not only is her personality amazing shes pretty hot too. u will never be able to find someone like her. shes truly incredible.

wow i wish i had a tiarra

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A pretty bitch

Wow Tiarra

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The most beautiful girl in the universe. She cares more about others than she cares for herself. She will fall in love with a person who has a nice personality and her soul mate will be her second relationship. If you find a girl named Tiarra (if she is single) date her, you won't regret it

Tiarra is the best girl ever

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Tiarra is a beautiful loving and caring person , she will do for others before she do for herself very loyal and understanding. She will not allow any to take advantage of her she is strong and she can get mean at times but only if you make her . She is one who does not in love in drama and stays to herself . She has very good work ethics and has a very big heart get you a Tiarra you will not be disappointed

Tiarra is just like a princess, when you get a Tiarra keep her .

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