Definder - what does the word mean?

What is The Squits?

its a common word for all those fellow norfolk folks out there. but others to be honest hant gotta dam clue. so anywho heres the simple and basic definition....

its means u dont no wt the heck ur onna bout

ur talkin a load of squit boi

👍85 👎69

The Squits - video


The Squits - what is it?

word used when one intends to say “stop” and “quit” at the same time

OMG, Leah! I told you to squit!!

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What does "The Squits" mean?

1. A small or insignificant person.
2. Diarrhea.

1. A little squit like Thorpe.
2. I had a squit yesterday.

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The Squits - what does it mean?

Rubbish, garbage, nonsense (Suffolk)

That other definition of the word "squit" is a load of squit

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The Squits - meaning

A not so compact shit. In fact a rather loose stool! The word is a cross between Squelch and shit, to literally mean Squelchy shit.

Oh dear! I seem to have the Squits today!

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The Squits - definition

When you think you're going to fart, but liquid shit squirts out of your ass leaving you with shitted pants and a mile away from the nearest toilet.

I thought i had some gas, but when i felt the warm shit i knew i had the squits.

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The Squits - slang

Often thought to be a fart, turns out to be a small amount of diarrhea smeared between the ass cheeks or in a projectile fashion staining the underwear.

Oh man, that fart was juicy. I gotta go check my pants cuz I think I just squit.

👍99 👎47

The Squits

Squits or Squirty Shit as it's more commonly known.

He had just enjoyed a great curry and felt the need to pass some wind as an appreciation but what he thought was a fart, was instead soemthing a lot heavier.....

His trousers were now full to brimming with the squits and of the most rancid, dead rat smelling type aswell.

👍499 👎195

The Squits

The Squits: to have liquid poop accompanied by a burning feeling in the ring Leaving you feeling some what emotional and vulnerable for the remainder of the day

Gee coach i cant play in the game tonight on account of i got the Squits


Soz lads cant go to the pub cos iv got the squits

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The Squits

Terrible diarrhea that takes the form of a chunky, hot liquid gushing from your anus. May be caused by a horrific stomach bug, killer disease or vindaloo. Often accompanied by stomach cramps and a sinking feeling of hopelessness.

Not to be confused with explosive diarrhea which erupts with force, the squits are more of a steady trickle.

If you have the squits you will need to confine yourself to the toilet for at least 24 hours armed with a good supply of toilet paper, some Gatorade (for rehydration purposes) and some porno to stop yourself getting bored during the long shitting sessions.

Man: Hey Tony, where have you been for the last week?

Tony: Oh yeah, I came down with a terrible case of the squits. My arse feels like a tattered sleeve from all the wiping.

Man: Ew.

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