Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Squelch?

the particular sound that an aroused vagina makes when being penetrated.

that was some serious squelch action lads.

👍377 👎159

Squelch - meme gif

Squelch meme gif

Squelch - video


Squelch - what is it?

The name of a Providence-based party rock band

I saw the band Squelch over the summer on Block Island

👍27 👎13

What does "Squelch" mean?

The act of a large man, (perferably obese), climbing or stepping up onto a kitchen or dining room table, lowering and/or removing his pants and underwear, using his hands to spread apart his butt cheeks, and proceeding to expel a long, solid piece of feces upon said table.

"We were all sitting around laughing at the table for Thanksgiving, when all of a sudden Uncle George climbed up on the table and Squelched all over our beatiful turkey."

👍53 👎69

Squelch - what does it mean?

When a female coughs or sneezes and cum comes out of her vagina.

She coughed so hard that she squelched

👍41 👎31

Squelch - meaning

A fart that vibrates forward through the vagina lips and out.

That squelch really tickled my pussy.

👍51 👎45

Squelch - definition

The noise you will hear when you step over a VERY dead body.

"WOAH did you hear that squelch right there by victim numero cinco"

👍25 👎11

Squelch - slang

1.n. A name for orgasmic fluids.

2.v. To squirt orgasmic fluids.

1. "Ewwww get your squelch off the blanket."

2. "Ooohhh squelch on me!"

👍69 👎53


The sound that occurs when the monster cock gets pulled out of an asshole

wow i heard some major squelch from you then benjamin!

👍105 👎83


A group of five or more douchebags

Are there enough of those annoying pricks to constitute a squelch?

👍25 👎11


A noise commonly herd during intercourse. This can be a direct result of excess moisture given off by either partner.

Words commonly associated with this term: Squelchy (adj)

Damn bro, that bitch's muffbox made the biggest squelch ever.

👍175 👎107