Definder - what does the word mean?

What is The Mouth?

to talk tough or to swear profusely.

kyle likes hairy ballsacks WITH mouth

👍95 👎57

The Mouth - video


The Mouth - what is it?

Nickname for a character in the greatest movie of all time'' The Goonies" who quotes the famous line "Yeah?! Well this one! This one right here! This was my wish! My dream! And it didn't come true! So I'm takin' it back! I'm takin' 'em all back! *plunges into the water*

*Mouth is fricking awesome! Although Chunk and Data are better!
Hey You Guuuuyyys!!

👍471 👎333

What does "The Mouth" mean?

a person whos all talk no action

jenny is a mouth

👍243 👎153

The Mouth - what does it mean?

slang for oral sex

She gave mouth like no other!

👍461 👎289

The Mouth - meaning

vagina number 2

Sally: I'm on my period
Billy: It's ok, I'll use you're other vagina*

The other vagina is her mouth*

👍233 👎115

The Mouth - definition

1. A person who talks too much and tells everybody's business. Secret leaker

2. A person who talks trash

3. An unexpected guest for dinner.

1. "I don't know how everyone knows I only told one person."
"yeah but that one person you told was a mouth"

2. Mouth got his a$$ kicked at the club last night.

3. "I only made enough for US, I didn't know we were going to have a mouth"

👍297 👎145

The Mouth - slang

The use of the mouth in an verbal sense

Is all that smart mouthness necessary

👍33 👎15

The Mouth

When one guy touches lips with another guy but does not actually kiss him.

Bro #1 "Oh my god dude you totally were kissing that guy last night!"

Bro #2 "Shut up, I wouldn't even call it kissing. I was only mouthing him."

👍71 👎21

The Mouth

Taking something in whole, blowjob

this is a sayin I enjoy using often
I would love for you to mouth it if u dont mind ;-)

👍49 👎17

The Mouth

Nickname for the individual in a group who won't shut his/her yapper. He/She always has a comment ready for any situation, be it appropriate or not (usually not).

Person 1: Wow my (poker) hand is ugly.
The Mouth: Just like your face! Hahahahaaa!
Person 2,3,....: <Shakes Head>
Person 1: Shut up and bet Marc.

👍55 👎17