Definder - what does the word mean?

What is THE boom?

that damn song i keep hearing after jameskii made that video

person 1: whats that damn song that i heard in 5th grade dance?

person 2: its boom boom boom boom dumbass

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THE boom - video


THE boom - what is it?

having intercourse

"Lets go boom boom in your bed."

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What does "THE boom" mean?

another term for a bowel movement, used when you or someone else has to go number 2 and when that happens, it becomes somewhat a verb.

"i gotta go boom boom"
"oh .. she went boom boom."

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THE boom - what does it mean?

Most commonly used to imply a lower level. Often a math or english class. Apparently, not used by ANYONE that has come from outside Tampa, FL. See example below for true conversation, and true story in it........

Little Sister- So, no one has ever heard some one not from Tampa say ' Boom Boom ' in this context? Not even in like friggin Clearwater?
Me- When I was in Minnesota, I got all excited because I heard a girl refer to something as ' Boom Boom ', I asked where she heard it......... She said back home in Tampa. So no, I don't believe so.
Random friend that came over for some cake mix ketchup-Chick! Denise over in Town N Country said 'Boom Boom' the other day!
Me- She just moved there after living in Tampa for 6 years.
He and Little Sister in unison - DANMIT!

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THE boom - meaning

westside gunn's crazy adlibs, used on mostly every griselda song

*Song Starts*

Westside Gun: Ayo, Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom

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THE boom - definition

An act of defecating in a diaper or undergarment. Used by Homer Simpson in episode CABF04 ("Homer vs. Dignity").

"Baby made a boom-boom!"

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THE boom - slang

basic, low level class. A regional adjective used in Tampa, FL

I got placed in the boom boom math class next year.

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THE boom

having sex

"Ryan, let s go boom boom in your bed".

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THE boom

The term "boom boom" is most often associated with south east asian countries such as Thailand, Cambodia, or Laos and is used to describe the act of intercourse, usually that which is purchased by males frequenting brothels and whorehouses in those locations. The term is thought to have been created by prostitutes possessing limited english language ability; ie- it is far easier for a non english speaking Thai prostitute to say "You go boom boom"? than it is for her to say "Would you like to go make completely unemotional and detached love with me"?

Sex Worker: "Hello handsome man, you go boom boom"?
Obviously not handsome man: "How much sweetheart"?

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THE boom

Boom boom is what I do with ur mom in bed

Boom boom boom boom, I wanna go boom boom. Let’s spend the night together, together in my room.

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